
Aw, Nuts!

At first I thought it was just me, but after talking to some friends and co-workers I realized I wasn’t the only one to notice this: Acorns.

It seems we have a bumper crop of acorns this year. I have been hearing them hitting the roof, the ground, and occasionally my neighbors’ cars and trucks. I’ve been hearing a lot of them and finding far more on the ground than I remember seeing this time of year. Far more.

I don’t know if this signals a harsh winter coming, or is a by-product of the more than abundant rainfall last month and/or the warmer than normal temperatures in June. All I know is there are more acorns than I remember seeing this early. Sometimes so many are falling from the oaks during the night they keep waking me up.

On top of that, it seems we’re in for some tropical rain for Thursday as we will see the remnants of Tropical Storm Fred. The Weather GuysTM are saying we’ll see a couple of inches of rain here at the lake and even more in the southern tier of the state.