
Thoughts On A Sunday

Winter temperatures have finally made themselves felt here at the lake, with below freezing lows and barely above freezing highs. There were even a couple of very light snow flurries this morning.

The Weather Guys TM have been saying we’re in for snow starting sometime Wednesday. They haven’t said how much to expect, but to listen to one of the network news shows this morning they’re acting like it will be yet another Snowpocalypse in the Northeast. If it is, all I can do is hope that the trusty RAM 1500 will be back from the body shop before then. (Just staying ahead of the rust.)

Yesterday I mentioned how it seems to be that the amount of aggressive driving has increased, wondering it if was just my perception or if other people have noticed it to. It turns out it wasn’t just me. A number of people I’ve asked have noticed the same thing, with some saying it’s been really bad over this past week. It has certainly been a problem here in New Hampshire with a large number of fatal motor vehicle accidents, many which make no sense unless one factors in aggressive or distracted driving.


File this under “Why were they surprised this has been happening?”

It seems that no matter how good the the GPA is for Berkeley graduates they aren’t getting any job offers.

Recent college graduates aren't fairing any better than the rest of the job seekers in this difficult market.

A college professor admitted that he's seeing it happen to some of his former students who did extremely well but are having a hard time finding work. In a LinkedIn post, James O'Brien, a professor of computer science at UC Berkeley, insisted that it's become a bleak reality for many college graduates because even though they have their degrees, a job isn't coming as easily as it should.

"Tech degrees no longer guarantee a job. Lately, I'm hearing similar narratives from students. Previously, a Berkeley CS graduate, even if not a top student, would receive multiple appealing job offers in terms of work type, location, salary, and employer," O'Brien explained in his post.

He noticed that even outstanding students with 4.0 GPAs were now reaching out to him, worried because, despite their impressive transcripts and experience, they weren't receiving any job offers. He concluded that this was happening because of an irreversible trend that is also part of a broader issue that's impacting almost every job seeker in every area.

Is what O’Brien has concluded true? Or is it true only for Berkeley computer science students? Is this a problem at MIT, Carnegie-Mellon, UIUC, Cal Tech and other university students?

Writes one commenter from the linking Instapundit post:

There’s another element to this you don’t often hear about; curriculum. I spent a 30 year career in higher ed, supporting the university in IT, as well as doing a little teaching in CS. Employers very definitely look closely at the curriculums of universities, even those with stellar reputations, if they begin to see patterns of unpreparedness in their employees from those institutions. Shadow bans, and even very public denunciations, can and do result with respect to hiring from universities whose recent grads aren’t meeting expectations.

Is this the case with Berkeley?


It’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking anything when I read the following:

Hilarity Ensues After Report on a Possible 2028 AOC Presidential Candidacy

Eager to move beyond the failure of their undemocratic installment of Kamala Harris as their nominee in place of President Joe Biden to thwart another Trump presidency, speculation has already started as to who their 2028 contenders might be.

Among them is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who, since bursting onto the scene in 2018 and becoming a media darling in the process, has become little more than just another entrenched Democrat face in the crowd...


Honestly, I don’t see it happening – but if it did, it’d be amusing to watch Gavin Newsom try to mow right over her and other high-profile candidates, including perhaps even Kamala Harris herself to get the seat he wanted in 2024 but didn’t.

If Gruesome Newsom and Occasional Cortex are the best the Democrats can bring forward for 2028, then they have a big problem.


The once great nation of Canada has accelerated its decline into ‘woke’ (and broke) nation. It’s latest bit of foolishness (or stupidity)?

A small town in Ontario is being fined for not flying a “2SLGBTQA+” flag.


The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal is an instrument of soft tyranny that exists largely to impose degeneracy. It is punishing the township Emo (pop. 1,434) for failing to fly a flag in honor of depravity…

Borderland Pride requested Emo to declare June as Pride Month and display a rainbow flag for one week but the township refused, resulting in a years-long process in which the tribunal ruled against the township.

The tribunal ruled Borderland Pride will be awarded $15,000, with $10,000 coming from the township itself and the other $5,000 coming from Emo mayor Harold McQuaker.

Being forced to give the self-described “2SLGBTQA plus people” free money isn’t enough. The citizens of Emo must have their faces rubbed in moonbattery…

What makes this even more laughable is that the township doesn’t even have an “official” flagpole from which to fly such a flag.

The nonsense that has been forced upon the Canadian people keeps piling up and getting worse. Civil right have been whittled away one by one by a government that is increasingly hostile to those rights...all in the name of ‘equity’.

I would like to think that eventually Canadians will come to their senses and boot out the present government and Prime Minister bag and baggage, restoring sanity to the Canada.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where winter has settled in, more snow (may) be on the way, and preparations for Christmas are under way.


Observations On Traffic

During the Thanksgiving holiday I had more than enough opportunity to make a number of observations, specifically traffic observations.

A couple of things that had me making these observations were the suddenly increased number of traffic fatalities in my home state and some of the more recent dash cam videos on YouTube. Because of these I have been paying more attention when I am on the road, particularly over this past week, and one thing that stood out both here and in Massachusetts was the level of aggressive driving I saw. There were numerous examples of tailgating, ‘forced’ lane changes, speeding well above the speed of the rest of the traffic, weaving in and out traffic, using breakdown lanes to get around slow moving traffic, cutting across multiple lanes of traffic to take an exit at the last second, and so on. I also noticed when drivers weren’t paying attention, drifting from side to side in their lane, failing to see that traffic had slowed down ahead of them with a few incidents ending in fender benders, driving well below the posted speed limit, not realizing traffic signals have changed and running red lights, and son.

While on my trip down to the WP Sister’s place south of Boston and the return trip to The Gulch yesterday I witnesses one incident after another of the events I described, more than I have ever noticed before. It could be that I was paying closer attention to traffic than usual or that there are a lot more incidents taking place. Maybe it’s a bit of both. All I know is that I am seeing so many more incidents like these in general and a lot more over during the trip down to my sister’s and back yesterday.

What’s causing the increase in aggressive/inattentive driving?

It doesn’t appear – to me, at least – that it is limited to one demographic. Of the aggressive driving it seems to me that most of the aggressive drivers were in a hurry to get from Point A to Point B and woe be unto anyone who got in their way. The few drivers I was able to see were young, middle aged, older, male, and female.

The WP Mom and I saw more than a few accidents on the trip down and back, with the worst being on Rte. 128, the circumferential highway around Boston, while we were on our way back home. Fortunately the accident took place on the other side of the highway. The traffic was backed up for almost 4 miles with four lanes being reduced to one lane at the site of the accident. Was it caused by aggressive driving, distracted driving, inattentive driving, road rage, or some combination thereof?

One thing that I saw during our trip was the lack of turn signals. Again and again I saw drivers change lanes without using their turn signals, expecting everyone else to read their minds and get out of the way. A couple of those incidents turned into fender benders. I also saw more than a few ‘brake checks’, one of which had a large box truck ‘bumping’ into the offending vehicle’s rear bumper.

While I wish I could say I didn’t see much of the dangerous driving in New Hampshire, I’d be lying if I said that. While not quite as prevalent as South of the Border, it was still there. I only saw one fender bender on the way home near the city of Manchester and that looked more like a “I don’t know how to merge” kind of accident, but I still I saw more than a few dumb driving incidents.

One thing that did happen prior to the holiday was New Hampshire Governor Sununu announcing the State Police would not be issuing warnings on Interstate 95, a stretch of highway has seen so many accidents and fatalities over the past few months. If a motorist was pulled over by the State Police they would be ticketed, period. I don’t know if that would help in reducing the number of accidents and fatalities, but time will tell.


Thoughts On A Sunday

It is the weekend before Thanksgiving and I did something unusual – I took off the entire week of Thanksgiving. It doesn’t mean I’ll be out doing vacation-like things. Rather, I’ll be taking care of chores that really need to be done before winter finally gets here. One such set of chores is continuing my efforts to slowly empty out my rental storage unit. Of course some of that will be hindered because the trusty RAM 1500 not is going to be available for two or three days.

First thing Monday morning it will going into the body shop to take care of some incipient rust as a means of preserving it for another 10 years. Hopefully the work will be done prior to Thanksgiving Day as it is possible the WP Mom and I will need to use the RAM to get down to the youngest WP Sister’s place as there is a possibility of snow that day.

Another chore that needs doing is helping the WP Mom make her Thanksgiving fudge. (Not to be confused with her Christmas fudge.) She usually needs help with the mixing as it is something she insists must be done by hand. I also help with quality control.

Somewhere among all of that I also need to tackle the garage at The Gulch, moving the warm weather stuff out of the garage and into the attic, the cold weather stuff from the attic into the garage, and rearranging the rest of the stuff in the garage to make it easier to deal with winter weather including moving the Official Weekend Pundit Dual-Fuel Generator to a place that will make it easier to deploy should we lose power. (Yes, we do have power outages during the warm weather months, but not nearly as often as we see in the winter.)


If I had a way, I would tell the ‘Greens’ in Germany “I told you so!”

Germany’s dive into green energy has finally come around to bite it in the ass as it turns out that said green energy can’t meet the energy demand, particularly after abandoning nuclear power and other non-green power sources. They are learning the hard way that renewable energy isn’t reliable and isn’t always available when it’s really needed.

Since the original article linked in the Instapundit post seems to have disappeared, those commenting on this issue are saying “I told you so!” in my stead.

It all comes down to Germany is getting it “gooder and harderer” because those in power listened to the ‘feel good’ bullsh*t being sold by the Greens and didn’t actually do their homework or the math to figure out it wasn’t going to work.

And to think that Germany was once a center of some of the world’s best engineering and in a little over one generation it has fallen victim to ‘feelz’ over facts.


Just when I thought things in Chicago couldn’t get any stupider, someone in the Windy City proves me wrong. The latest bit of insanity?

Traffic light cameras are racist.


Illinois State Rep. La Shawn Ford is again calling for change after new data shows more than 2.5 times as many red-light camera tickets were issued on Chicago’s South Side over a yearlong period than at intersections where cameras are installed on the city’s North Side.

Hmm. Could it be that more drivers on the South Side of Chicago are running red lights than in other parts of the city? Or is he claiming there are 2.5 times as many red-light cameras in the South Side as anywhere else in the city?

What about crime? If more crime takes place on the South Side is it because of racism and the laws should be changed to decriminalize some crimes? Oh, wait, they shouldn’t do that because we’ve seen what happens in places like the metro areas in California and in New York City.

Is there anything that cannot be classified as racist in order to create yet another class of ‘victims’?


I have seen this question popping up here and there in a number conservative websites, so it makes me wonder if something may be in the offing. The question:

Is Elon Musk going to buy MSNBC?

He certainly has the wherewithal to do so. And then there’s this:

Since the election, MSNBC’s ratings have been falling dramatically with no signs of reversing. Their audience feels like they got played, especially now that Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have opened communications with Donald Trump.

There are rumors swirling in media that Comcast may sell off MSNBC, so naturally people are starting to wonder if Elon Musk could buy the network. People are not asking if Musk should buy it, because obviously, he should.

Of course I was thinking Musk should buy CNN, particularly if it should lose the Project Veritas lawsuit which would likely leave it available for pennies on the dollar. For all I know, Musk could end up buying MSNBC and CNN. That would be a certain amount of irony, if one thinks about it.

If nothing else it would piss off a lot of the Left to see two bastions of Progressive Propaganda fall into Musk’s hands because no one is watching them anymore, not even the Left.

And so it goes.


Why doesn’t this surprise me even as it surprises others?

EV owners are being advised not to use the heat in their Evs because it can “significantly reduce the range”. Really? Who’da thunk it?

Apparently the Telegraph in the UK.

Drivers of electric vehicles (EVs) have been warned they should think twice before turning on their hot air blowers during the cold weather.

Having a battery rather than an internal combustion engine (ICE) means EVs have to use more electricity to generate their own heat.

Experts have warned this could drain the batteries of their electric cars – particularly older ones – and reduce their range.

Unlike with petrol and diesel cars, owners of EVs do not get to enjoy the luxury of the “effectively free” heat which is created as a by-product of simply having the engine running in ICE vehicles.

Instead, they have to use a “more substantial” amount of battery capacity to keep warm, which decreases how far they can drive.

The warning comes as Britons brace themselves for snow, rain and gusts of 70mph in the form of Storm Bert this weekend.

Here in the US that would be even worse as it gets a lot colder here than it does in the UK, even if you’re only talking about New England where I live. It can get down to single digit temps (Fahrenheit) or even into double digit negative numbers which of course makes it worse because you can’t not use heat when it’s that cold. Then again, it is likely an EV wouldn’t want to work when it’s that cold.

The coldest temperature I’ve seen here in my town is -29ºF/-33ºC, and that’s without wind chill. I have a feeling an EV wouldn’t do that well when it’s the cold. I’ve also lived farther north where the coldest temp I’ve experienced is -36ºF/-38ºC. Even my ICE car didn’t start easily at that temperature, but it did start. I have a feeling an EV wouldn’t fare well at all. Try dealing with temperatures like that without using heat.

Not going to happen.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where only a few boats are still in the water, we’re likely to see some snow on Thanksgiving Day, and where the fudge pot will soon need to be stirred.


Dash-Cams - Cheap Insurance For Drivers

I have to admit one of my guilty pleasures is watching dash-cam videos on YouTube. Seeing the vehicular misdeeds and accidents of others can amuse, educate, and horrify at the same time. Watching these dash-cam videos has certainly made me more aware of what’s happening when I’m out on the road, has helped me anticipate what other drivers might do, and on one occasion prevented me from being involved in an accident because I had seen a similar situation on the more than a few dash-cam videos.

I have had a dash-cam installed in the trusty RAM 1500 for almost a year and in that time I have saved more than a few incidents that I filed away in my “Close Calls” and “Scofflaws” folders. Watching them makes me wonder what some of the drivers were thinking or doing that caused these incidents. It wasn’t until the other night that my dash-cam actually caught an accident.

I was on my way to town hall for a meeting, stopped at a traffic light waiting for it to change. At this point, I have to explain that a few months ago the traffic light programming was changed so that the traffic signal for the left turn lane will change from red to a blinking yellow light when the lights on the center and right turn lanes turn green. The only time the left turn signal turns green is if a vehicle has been sitting in the left turn lane for a certain amount of time. The reasoning behind this change is that it eliminates the need to wait for the left turn green arrow if there’s no traffic coming from the other direction. It’s supposed to save gas because vehicles won’t have to wait for a full traffic light cycle in order to make the turn. However, this feature still confuses some people.

In this particular case there was a pickup in front of me waiting to take a left turn onto the road that leads towards our town hall. The lights changed, with the left turn arrow changing to a blinking yellow. The pickup started making the left turn and when partway through the intersection was hit in the right rear quarter by a car coming through the intersection from the other direction. While I was an eyewitness to the accident, I couldn’t say for sure who was at fault. I did call the police, made sure the two drivers were uninjured, waited for the police to arrive, made my statement to one of the officers and let him know I had dash-cam video.

The police got a copy of the video for their investigation.

The next morning I took a look at the video of the accident and realized there were a lot of things I didn’t notice, things that could change who is found at fault for the accident. (I won’t go into the specifics because the accident is still under investigation by the police department.)

If nothing else it proves to me the value of having a dash-cam as it is an unbiased witness to what happened and will see things eyewitnesses and drivers/passengers either didn’t see or didn’t notice. They can have an almost 360º view, depending on the dash-cam model. It does away with the he-said/she-said problems and can prove guilt or innocence. (I saw more than few cases on YouTube where drivers involved in an accident outright lied about what happened and the dash-cam video showed what actually took place.)

Dash-cams are cheap insurance.

I have seen them for as little as $25 and as much as $350. They run from the basic front-view only models to front/rear/interior view with night vision, USB and/or WiFi/Bluetooth download, and everything in between. Most are HD though more of them are now 4K UHD. I suggest getting the one with the highest resolution you can afford as it can make it easier to see more detail, including license plate numbers. Regardless of what model is installed in a vehicle, it can make the difference between being found at fault in an accident or being found faultless. (Of course it can also mean you are found at fault, so it can swing either way.)


Thoughts On A Sunday

It’s very dry up here in northern New England as we haven’t seen any appreciable rainfall for almost two months. We’ve seen so-called ‘Red Flag’ warnings posted for the first time in a long time and no burn permits have been issued. We had a local resident decide he didn’t need to get a permit to burn and despite the high fire danger lit his burn pile. The local FD and police showed up, put out his burn pile which was on the verge of spreading, and cited him for ignoring the warnings. It’s a good thing the fire department was able to prevent any spread because if his burn pile flames had spread he would have been liable for the costs of extinguishing the brush fire he ignited. He would have also been facing jail time, too.

Some folks just don’t get it. Some folks just don’t care.

On top of that we still have a lot of leaves that have fallen and piled up as well as a lot of deadfall that was the result of last April’s Nor’easter which dropped heavy snow that damaged or brought down a lot of trees. That’s a lot of fuel just waiting for something or someone to ignite it. So far we’ve been fortunate and haven’t seen too many brush fires here in New Hampshire. It also looks like we’re in store for a couple of days of soaking rains towards the late part of this week.


Steve MacDonald over at Granite Grok asks an important question, that being if not voting for Kamala is racist and misogynist.

If you can stand the sound of their voices or the inane things those voices say, there is a collective message to America coming from the left. If you didn’t vote for Kamala, it wasn’t because she was a lousy candidate (one of the worst ever). It isn’t her open embrace of the misery you are experiencing or the potential promise of more of that. You are a racist, a bigot, and perhaps even a misogynist.

I have a quick question for the Left and any Democrat who apes this narrative. Explain the 2020 race for me, please.

In a crowd of twenty-seven aspirants, there were six people of color. One Asian (whom you probably labeled as white), three black men, one Hispanic (not light-skinned), and Kamala Harris. The rest were white men, plus Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, and Lizard Warren (post-admission that she was less of a Native American than you are).

Before the smoke cleared, Democrats picked the oldest, whitest guy on the list. Joe Biden.

Racist? Misogynist? Bigoted?

The Democrats claiming racism and misogyny are pointing to the folks on the Right...but are forgetting the one finger they are pointing towards those they blame is being countered by the three fingers point back at them. There are none so blind as those will not see the faults in themselves and their beliefs.

Kamala was an awful candidate, period. When she ran for president back in 2020 she garnered support of less than 3% of likely Democrat voters and folded her campaign before the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primaries. Nothing really changed between then and 2024 other than her becoming a “poison pill” VP. She was just as vacuous in 2024 as she was in 2020...and even prior to that.


Is Great Britain returning to Victorian era levels of poverty and hygiene?

Yes. Yes it is and it’s all being done on purpose in the name of the impossible to attain “Net Zero” energy policies.

People can live with wearing smelly, unwashed clothes and bad hygiene – our ancestors lived this way for centuries. But you cannot live without adequate warmth.

Thanks to Net Zero’s skyrocketing energy prices, Britain appears to be well on the way to establishing Victorian England levels of poverty in some communities. The poorest people in Britain have been forced to make a choice, between the humiliation of sending their kids to school in unwashed clothes, or risking their health in even worse ways by providing inadequate food and warmth.

In some ways it is worse today than it was in the late 1800s during Queen Victoria’s reign. At least the Victorian poor were allowed to burn scrap wood for warmth. Most homes in Victorian times had some kind of fireplace or hearth where people could burn wood or whatever else they could get their hands on to stay warm.

Too bad that they are no longer allowed to do so because burning wood is against the UK’s Net Zero policies. Renewable energy was sold on the basis that it was cheaper than ‘regular’ energy. However, the reality has shown that it is anything but. It also isn’t reliable, isn’t dispatchable, and is very weather dependent. Yet the UK has gone heavily into renewables and dialed back on abundant and reliable ‘regular’ energy and it is the poor residents there who are paying the price. This makes me wonder if some faceless and nameless bureaucrat, knowing that it is possible people will die because of this, is thinking like Scrooge that “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”


Is there a nuclear renaissance taking place in New Hampshire? If Governor-elect Kelly Ayotte has her way, the answer is yes.

Goodness knows we need it, particularly in a state that has some of the highest electricity rates in the US, particularly during the winter months.

Ten legislators, including two from the Concord area – Sen. Howard Pearl and Rep. Jose Cambrils – signed on to a piece of preliminary legislation “declaring the development of advanced nuclear energy technology to be in the best interest of the state of New Hamp shire and the United States.”

Ayotte, now the governor-elect, could have a chance to make strides toward nuclear energy with a newly expanded Republican majority in the House of Representatives and a supermajority in the Senate.

“This isn't an immediate play, right?” Ayotte told the Monitor in August. “But we have to position New Hampshire for these new technologies. If we don't think ahead and think forward, then we'll be behind as these newer technologies continue to develop.”

Nuclear power has emerged as a potential option to aid the energy transition; experts say it doesn’t directly produce carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions. During her campaign, Ayotte proposed adding a small-modular nuclear reactor in the North Country, which she said would create jobs and stimulate the region’s economy. New Hampshire currently has one nuclear plant, in Seabrook.

While we do receive more than half of our electricity from Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, the rest comes from a mix of natural gas, hydro, biomass, and coal, in descending order. The natural gas plants have an advantage since they can be brought online quickly, either for peak load handling or for base load. But natural gas is expensive in New England because during the cooler months much of it comes from foreign sources, primarily Trinidad & Tobago, shipped into the natural gas terminal in the Boston area. Rather than being able to use cheap domestic natural gas, New England has to use foreign natural gas because the natural gas pipeline into New England has nowhere near the capacity needed.

What makes things worse is that the one new pipeline project that would have increased the amount of natural gas needed was killed after a well organized opposition movement stopped it. The same happened when not one, not two, but three powerline projects that would have brought clean, renewable, and cheap hydropower into New England from Quebec were also killed. Ironically, many of the same people who protested against all of these projects were the first to complain about how much they’re paying for electricity. I guess they weren’t able to make the connection between their actions and their higher electricity bills. Then again, they rarely connect their actions with outcomes.

Such it is with ‘true believers’ of the climate cult.


Is Whoopi Goldberg getting a taste of karma?

It seems the bakery on Staten Island Whoopi accused of refusing her service because of her political views did no such thing.

...Whoopi Goldberg suddenly went missing from The View today after the owners of Holtermann’s Bakery on Staten Island came out to tell their side of the story.. They didn’t “refuse” service to Goldberg because of her politics, they had a boiler break down and couldn’t make anything… Holtermann’s has been in business on Staten Island for over 145 years. I seriously doubt they would refuse service to ANYONE as that would not be a type of business model that keeps you in business since the 1800s.

If I were Holtermann’s I would sue Whoopi for defamation and take her for every penny they could get. She let her political beliefs cloud her judgment and either she read something into Holtermann’s not being able to take her order that wasn’t there, or she saw an opportunity to ‘punish’ someone she thought richly deserved it. I would like to think it was the former and not the latter. Or she’s slid so deeply down the Leftist slope that she’s seeing things that aren’t there and ignoring things that go against her viewpoint.

In either case, I lost respect for her a long time ago.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where it’s very dry and we desperately need rain, the nice sunny and (relatively) warm weather continues, and where Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away.


History Is Repeating Itself

We’ve heard this said a number of ways –

“Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana

“A generation that ignores history has no past...and no future.” – Robert Heinlein

“History doesn’t repeat itself. It rhymes.” – Albert Einstein

It seems too many today are ignoring a dark period in our history and by doing so are seeing a repeat of a part of that dark history. What am I referring to?


We have seen anti-semitism growing in places it should never see the light of day. It’s in our college campuses. It’s seen at protests by our ignorant Progressive youth. It’s seen in public when mobs of Hamas supporters attack Jews in Amsterdam. It’s seen in Washington DC when the modern day version of ‘Nazis’ smashed the windows of a kosher restaurant on the anniversary of Kristallnacht – the Night of Broken Glass – which took place in Nazi Germany in 1936. It was the start of the pogrom that would see over 6 million Jews methodically murdered in places like Bergen-Belson, Sobibor, Dachau, and Auschwitz, just to name a few of the German death camps. It was the Holocaust.

It seems too many people today are headed towards recreating that hateful time on our history.

On the week of the anniversary of Kristallnacht, rabid pro-Hamas radicals in Amsterdam and the USA are proving that too many Westerners do not know even recent history and are terrifyingly repeating it.

Pogroms in the streets. “Wanted posters” of Jewish intellectuals. Windows shattered on Jewish businesses. Mass protests calling for the genocide of Jews. These are not only scenes from Nazi territories and the Holocaust in the 20th century but from modern-day America and the Netherlands, as well as too many other Western countries. Within living memory of the horrific Nazi Kristallnacht pogroms, we are seeing the same organized antisemitism that led to genocide unfolding before our eyes.


Even more dangerously, both before, during, and after the Kristallnacht anniversary, the Netherlands — once a scene of mass arrests and killings of Jews by Nazis — has made international headlines as Muslim migrants and other pro-Hamas rioters launched anti-Jewish attacks. The violence, which began last week with attacks that injured dozens of Israeli soccer fans, grew so horrible in Amsterdam with “Jew hunts” and genocidal chants that they were labeled “pogroms.”


Speaking of Westerners who support genocidal jihad, too many U.S. college campi continue to be hotbeds of hatred not only against Israel specifically, but against all Jews. At the New York University of Rochester, pro-Hamas radicals put up “wanted” posters featuring the pictures of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother and other Jewish faculty, according to The Times of Israel on Nov. 13.

One thing that many of the pro-Hamas supporters choose to ignore is that the present Hamas-Israeli war was not started by Israel. It was started by Hamas. They killed over 1700 Israeli citizens on the first day and kidnapped hundreds of others, many who were later murdered by their Hamas captors. Once Hamas realized they were likely to lose they started playing the sympathy card, making sure to show as many casualties as possible, even with Hamas ensuring there were casualties by using so many people ruled by them as human shields to increase the number of dead and wounded. This is a tactic Hamas has used on the past to good effect.

If Hamas wants the war with Israel to end there is an easy way to do that.


But as long as they have the support of the modern version of Nazis, they won’t. The war and hatred will continue.

And history will repeat itself.

Friday Funny (on Saturday) - Anesthesia Truth

I cannot believe I did it yet again. I put the post together, got everything together...and forgot to click on 'Publish'. Imagine my surprise when I opened my Blogger web page and saw it showed my Friday post was in 'Draft' status.

So here goes:


Thoughts On A Sunday

It’s been a quiet weekend, even with the older WP Sister and my Dear Brother up visiting today. We did dine out after church, but even with that it’s been an uneventful weekend. About the only ‘exciting’ thing that took place was the Patriots-Bears game today.

One thing that needs to be done around The Gulch is removal of all of the leaves. They have piled up and even with the efforts of yours truly and my neighbors, there are still far too many to pick up. We do have a landscaper that is supposed to be here with leaf blowers and leaf vacuums to pick up the above average crop of leaves, but so far they haven’t made an appearance. I just hope they’ll get things cleaned up before the first snowfall.

An upcoming event that will help prepare for winter is the trusty RAM 1500’s trip to the body shop. I am trying to stay ahead of the rust, hence the trip to the body shop. This time it will be for two new front fenders as the body shop owners said they could repair them, but that I’d be back in a couple of years to have it done again. While a little more expensive to have them replaced, they should be good for another 10 years. Next year it will be some body work at the rear of the truck next to the tail gate. That should do it for rust.

After its trip to the body shop it will be going to have its annual undercoating taken care of to help hold the rust at bay. I am hoping to get another 10 years out of the pickup. At least it is in good mechanical shape, but then I have been staying on top of the maintenance. About the only thing that will need to be replaced any time in the next few years will be the tires...I hope.


As a follow up to yesterday’s post there’s this from Ed Driscoll: We Need A Mental Health Checkup On Millions Of American Leftists.

Is something I thought was a send up actually a reflection of reality? Just how many on the Left have had a mental meltdown over the results of the November 5th election?

If this is for real then we have a bigger problem than I thought. What’s worse is that we may not have the mental health resources to deal with it.


In light of the blatant and violent antisemitism shown in Amsterdam, I have to agree with Datechguy: This is why we need the 2nd Amendment.

This morning I woke to the news that there were folks in Amsterdam who used the excuse of a soccer match to start a pogrom against Jews:

They’re beaten, kicked, run over, thrown in the river. In one instance, a fan was reportedly held against his will until he said ‘Free Palestine’. When terrorist sympathizers chant globalize the intifada, this is what it looks like. Every one of these are anti-Jewish hate crimes, plain and simple.

The Dutch authorities apparently no longer having the courage or those who fought the Nazis or Michiel de Ruyter are apparently sitting this one out…

I’ve heard some people state “That could never happen here”. They’re wrong. We’ve already seen examples of blatant institutional antisemitism in our colleges and universities. It isn’t all that far for that antisemitism turn into violence, to become another pogrom.

Self defense against such violence is a must and why we must preserve, if not strengthen the 2nd Amendment. The Jews in Amsterdam have no such means to protect themselves. Jews in America do.


Oh, this is going to work out well...NOT!

Reverse-Discrimination and DEI Now Part of NY State Constitution as Proposition 1 Passes.

The Equal Protection Project (EqualProtect.org) was the first to sound the alarm about Part B of Proposition 1 in NY State, the misleadingly-named Equal Rights Amendment. Under the guise of protecting abortion in NY State — which was not threatened — the Democrat legislature added not only a wide swath of new protected categories such as ‘gender expression’ giving rise to concerns about parents’ rights and girls sports (Part A), but also a completely new Part B that embedded core concepts of reverse-discrimination and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into the constitution.

That someone thought codifying reverse-discrimination and adding the racist concepts of DEI into a state constitution seemed like a good idea completely baffles me. Do the proponents of New York’s Proposition 1 (Part B) think that SCOTUS will let something like that stand considering it is so blatantly unconstitutional? If I had to guess, those supporting Proposition 1 were mostly in the Metro NYC area and along the I-87 corridor to Albany. Those opposing it were mostly outside that area.

As history has shown us, reverse-discrimination does not solve the problem of discrimination. You don’t solve racism by committing reverse-racism. You stop it by not being racist, period. You stop discrimination by not discriminating.


And this is the (abbreviated) news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the leaves are piling up...even more, the last few boats are being pulled from the water, and where I’m still recovering from the long long day of Election Day.


Over The Top?

I have to admit some of the reactions to Kamala Harris’s loss to Donald Trump caught me by surprise. I expected the more usual responses such as disappointment, dismay, some sadness, even some anger. But some reactions I’ve seen go beyond the pale. It makes me wonder if some of them are purposely over-the-top as if to make it seem that we have a dearth of fainting couches. This one in particular had me wondering if the reactions were real or were made just for TikTok.

The first one had me looking for a tranquilizer gun as she appeared to be on the verge of going Hulk, turning green and smashing everything in sight. Some of the others had me watching them again and again to see if their tears were genuine or non-existent.

I’m still not sure.

Some may claim I am not being empathetic to their feelings, but are their feelings real or are they playing it up? If their reactions are real, something I have to question, then they need some help. Seriously. I don’t remember seeing people reacting like this to election results, ever. Is it a new phenomenon or have I been missing people reacting like this over the past 60 years or so?


Thoughts On A Sunday

What a difference a day makes.

Friday was warm and in the 70’s. Yesterday was cool and in the 40’s. This morning it was 31ºF here at The Gulch, the first morning below freezing since this past spring and it will reach the mid 40’s in the afternoon.

It was breezy over the past three days so we saw a lot of leaf fall. Most of the trees have shed their leaves and they are piled up all around The Gulch and the neighborhood. Now that the winds have died down raking will be taking place.

One thing I have done to help with leaf removal, at least from the front rain gutters on The Gulch and a neighbor’s home is purchase a set of ‘leaf grabbers’ that makes it easy to clean out those gutters from the ground, no ladder required. While not perfect for the job, they should suffice for those days when ‘old’ leaves (mostly oak leaves) have clogged the gutters during mid-fall and early/mid spring.

I have also been moving Sterilite containers from my rental storage unit into my garage attic, a few at a time, all in an effort to make the rental unit unnecessary. Hopefully I will have it emptied out before the end of the year. I am expecting to make a big dent in this effort over the Thanksgiving holiday.


We have left Daylight Savings Time and ‘fallen back’ to Standard Time, something I have come to dislike intensely. Living on the eastern extreme of the Eastern Time Zone means there are days during winter when I start and finish work in the dark. I would prefer to stay on Daylight Savings Time as it works better for us up here in New Hampshire and Maine.

It’s ironic that Standard Time lasts for a little more than 4 months while Daylight Savings lasts 8 months, so why not just stay on DST year round?

Of course there is one group that cares nothing for time zones or time changes, that group being the feline contingent here at The Gulch and elsewhere. They know breakfast time, dinner time, and snack time, none of which have anything to with the time on the clock. I have no doubt the same is true of those with canine members in their households.


After all the back and forth with people claiming Trump was saying Liz Cheney should be executed, there’s this from someone who doesn’t like Trump at all:

Folks, Trump didn't threaten to execute Liz Cheney. He actually was calling her a chickenhawk, something liberals said about her for ages.

Look at the context — Trump is talking about giving her a weapon. Typically, people put in front of firing squads aren't armed.

“She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay? Let’s see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained in her face.”

“They’re all war hawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building, saying, ‘Oh gee, let’s send 10,000 troops right in the mouth of the enemy,’” he added.

That’s quite a bit different from what the MSM, the DNC, and the rest of The Usual Suspects have been trying to sell to the electorate. But then what’s new about that?


This is a comment I posted to this Instapundit post about missing mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania:

As best I have been able to determine, we are one of the only nations using mail-in voting. Other countries used it and abandoned it because there was too much fraud. Why anyone thought this was a good idea baffles me...unless of course that what The Powers That Be in the DNC wanted and are using it to generate massive distrust of the voting system so they can get rid of voting altogether.

One of the other commenters added this:

France banned mail-in voting in 1975 – due to fraud.

Mexico banned mail-in voting in 1992 – due to fraud.

Belgium banned mail-in voting in 2018 – due to fraud.

Sweden does not permit mail-in voting.

Italy does not permit mail-in voting.

Ukraine does not permit mail-in voting.

Russia does not permit mail-in voting.

Japan does not permit mail-in voting.

No Middle Eastern country permits mail-in voting.

No Latin country permits mail-in voting.

So why is the US using mail-in voting when we know it’s biggest ‘plus’ is that it makes it easier to commit voting fraud? It makes no sense to me...unless one of the major political parties wants it so they can commit voter fraud as needed in order to ensure they remain in power.

Mail-in voting isn’t legal in my home state. It was used once, illegally, when the New Hampshire Secretary of State ‘allowed’ it during Covid even though he had no such power to do so. Only our legislature, with the consent of the governor, can do so and that isn’t likely to happen any time soon.


Yeah, I’d say this is a sure bet.

If Trump wins the popular vote watch the Left suddenly sour on the National Popular Vote Compact.

I have been arguing for an awful lot of years that the National Popular Vote Compact is an attempt to disenfranchises votes of individual states so that elections can be fixed on a national level.

The left has pooh poohed this and deep blue states like California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, New York, Illinois, Vermont, Connecticut and yes disgracefully my state of Massachusetts went along and signed this idiocy sure and secure in the knowledge that no Republican would every be popular enough and no Democrat so unpalatable enough that it would bite them in the ass.


Now I still maintain that this disenfranchises individual states but I have a feeling if the Kamala collapse continues I will suddenly find a lot of leftists from an awful lot of blue states and a ton of media will suddenly have my back and rush to the Supreme Court to have all of these laws stuck down. The irony of course is that I expect all three liberal judges will be with me on this one at the very least.

Now with Kamala collapsing so badly that the Washington Post and LA Times won’t endorse her it might be moot so I don’t know if this will be the result but if it is, it will be glorious!

If it doesn’t work for them then why would they want to keep pushing it. The Founders understood about the dangers of democracy, of the tyranny of the majority, and set up Congress and the Electoral College to keep the big states from dominating the small states.


From the “Just When I Thought They Couldn’t Get Any More Desperate” Department comes this gem from New York Governor Kathy Hochul (Clueless – NY):

New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently appeared on MSNBC and said that if you vote Republican, you’re anti-woman and anti-American.

It has been amazing in this election cycle, how Democrats have become so comfortable insulting and degrading their fellow Americans for the crime of disagreeing with them.

Their deranged rhetoric makes them look very desperate, like they know they’re losing.

This from someone who believes in lawfare, doesn’t believe in the Constitution, and thinks that if we don’t vote for someone based purely on their race or sex that we’re racists and/or sexists...and anti-American?

What an idjit…


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where boats are still being pulled out of the water, and where I’ll be spending all day Tuesday working at the polls.


Are The October Jobs Numbers A Death Knell For The Harris Campaign?

Remember the job numbers for September the Harris campaign touted to show just how well Bidenomics is working? My first thought was “How much will those job numbers be revised downwards?” Jobs number revisions usually occur about 2 months after the release, so we can look forward to the September jobs number revision in December. However, we may not need to wait that long considering the dismal October job numbers that were released yesterday.

US hiring slowed significantly last month, in what marked the weakest jobs growth reported under President Joe Biden.

Friday’s downbeat employment update, released just days before the US election, revealed just 12,000 non-farming jobs were added in October, down from 223,000 a month earlier.

This marked the slowest rate of growth since late 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as analysts blamed the impact of hurricanes and strike action at Boeing.

While hiring slowed, America’s unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.1pc.

The closely watched report will be sure to draw scrutiny from both presidential candidates before next Thursday’s election, as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump battle to convince voters of their ability to improve the economy.

The administration was expecting job growth to be around 121,000 new jobs, but the preliminary numbers for October are a tenth of that. Kamala Harris is going to have a tough time explaining those numbers away and certainly can’t blame Trump for them. They certainly won’t be revised until January, two months after the election is in the history books. But I figure the Harris campaign will do its best to lay the blame on Trump somehow since it looks like its attempted smear of Trump regarding his comments about Liz Cheney has backfired big time.

One has to wonder what the Harris campaign will try next considering the election is three days away. Considering the crap that was thrown at Trump in 2016 and 2020, nothing would really surprise me.


Thoughts On A Sunday

It’s more like real fall weather around here, or so it’s been for the past few days and will be for the next couple of days. We might actually see overnight temps below freezing on Monday and Tuesday. However, it will warm up again and we’ll be back into temps in the upper 60’s. The foliage is well past peak, with the reds, oranges, and yellows turning brown. The leaves have been falling in increasing numbers, both the streets and our rain gutters filling with the those leaves. (I had to empty the gutters both at The Gulch and at a neighbor’s home. I both cases it was just the front gutters as the rear gutters are above the second floor, not readily reachable, and are covered with leaf guards to prevent leaves from filling them.)

Will we be seeing snow here soon? That doesn’t seem to be the case, at least here at the lake. But up north there may be some, but not enough that will accumulate or cause traffic issues. That’s fine with me. We’ll be seeing snow soon enough.


Two downsides to the cooler temperatures have been the need to turn on the heat – mostly to take the chill off in the morning – and the tire pressure monitors on cars and trucks tripping because tire pressures have dropped. (The latter happened to both the WP Mom’s car and the trusty RAM 1500, requiring me break out the Official Weekend Pundit Air Compressor and Official Weekend Pundit Tire Pressure Gauge this morning.)

Heating season has started thought it’s going to be on-and-off for the next month or so. One of the things I like about The Gulch is that it is pretty efficient when it comes to heating and cooling. It costs a lot less to heat than The Manse, even with higher fuel prices and the fact that quite a bit of the heat for The Manse was coming from a woodstove. There are a couple of things I need to do to make The Gulch even more efficient – replacing two casement windows on the second floor and replacing the slider leading out to the porch with something better.


Now this is just weird: Japanese village struggling with low population creates life-sized dolls to mimic feeling of bustling society.

To paraphrase what was written on Instapundit, it sounds like something out of a Twilight Zone episode.

The hamlet of Ichinono, which has less than 60 residents and only one child, is trying to fill the void with stuffed mannequins, which they dress up and place around the community — and even pose on swings and bicycles.

“We’re probably outnumbered by puppets,” 88-year-old resident Hisayo Yamazaki told AFP.

Yamazaki explained that although older inhabitants there had children, they encouraged them to attend college away from the tiny community about an hour northwest of Kyoto.

“We were afraid they would become unmarriageable if they remained stuck in a remote place like this,” she told the outlet.

“Out they went, and they never came back, getting jobs elsewhere. We’re now paying the price.”

Is this a preview of what we might experience in the US in the future as our birthrate is collapsing, already below the so-called replacement rate and heading downwards? Will this happen in our towns in the future or will we merely add to the number of ghost towns and depopulated sections of cities like Detroit?

Twilight Zone indeed.


Is the Left blocking access to early voting sites as a means of suppressing voters in a deep red area? It appears so.

The havoc wrought by Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina brought disaster to homes and families, but that has not stopped Democrats from blocking the approval of emergency early voting sites in the heavily Republican area. The refusal to act forced the GOP-led state legislature to intervene.

Democrat-run local elections boards in McDowell and Henderson counties have failed to approve additional early voting sites in the disaster-stricken area, despite increasing calls for more access to voting. Both counties voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

“Ensuring the right to vote is upheld for western NC citizens devastated by Hurricane Helene should be a non-partisan issue,” western North Carolina native Clay McCreary said, according to The Carolina Journal. McReary is North Carolina political director of Restoration of America, an organization that has been advocating for additional voting opportunities in the disaster area. “We simply cannot allow the people of western North Carolina who have lost so much to lose their voice in the political process.”

Ironically, in adjacent deep-blue counties Democrats have already taken measures to ensure there are new voting locations to replace the ones damaged by Hurricane Helene. Seems like a double standard to me.


In a related post it appears Democrats are also trying to intimidate black voters. A Democrat Super PAC is running ads in cities with large black populations warning them that “their voter files are public.”

One of the ads, funded by Future Forward PAC, gives the false impression that it is aired by a government agency called the "National Voter Report." The ad begins with an "election alert" with the words "Who you vote for is private, but IF you vote is public information. After this election, your voter record will be updated, and your friends and family will be able to see how often you vote."

There is no federal or state law that compels U.S. citizens to vote. Although states keep a record of which elections individual voters participated in, such information is often difficult or confusing for the average person to access.

The more-than-$500,000 ad campaign appears to be targeted exclusively at various metropolitan areas, according to data obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The bulk of the ads are airing in the Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee markets.

It’s interesting that the ads are running in cities in swing states. Are these ads a means of forcing black voters to the polls even if they don’t want to vote? Is there a subtext to these ads, that subtext being “We’ll also know how you voted and if you don’t cast a vote for the correct candidates we’ll make sure everyone knows it”?



Every Republican President is Hitler.

Who knew?


November 5th is ten days away and I’ll be glad when all of this campaign madness is over. I have a feeling a lot of people agree with me.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the leaves are falling in increasing numbers, almost all of the boats are now out of the water, and where Monday is returning...yet again.


I'm Getting Tired Of It All. How About You?

I don’t know about you, but I cannot wait for November 5th to come and go. I am sick to death of the increasingly hostile and violent rhetoric, the purposeful ‘interpretation’ of facts to make it seem actions taken by one’s political opponent appear to be the opposite and malicious rather than benign. The political ads have devolved down to the “ ‘He/She’s a poopyhead!’ ‘No! She/He’s a poopyhead!’ ” level of intellect.

In the presidential race it has fallen to the level where the Harris campaign has resurrected and expanded the “Trump is literally Hitler!!” meme, falling prey to Godwin’s Law. If Trump was “literally Hitler”, then why didn’t he do Hitler-like things during his Presidential term? It’s only now that it looks like Harris’s campaign in trouble that she goes that route. If her campaign is in trouble, then her hopes to turn the US into a Stalinesque state by doing away with the U.S. Constitution, starting with the First and Second Amendments, is also in trouble. (Yes, the previous is political rhetoric...but it doesn’t mean there’s not a bit of truth in there somewhere.)

A similar problem exists at lower level races. I know I see it at the Congressional level, Gubernatorial level, State Legislature – House and Senate – level, and County level. It is particularly hot in the Governor’s race with the campaigns going at each other “hammer and thong”, having devolved to the “ ‘She’s a poopyhead!’ ‘No! She’s a poopyhead!’ ” level. Surprisingly the race for New Hampshire’s two seats in the House of Representatives in Washington has been pretty benign. It’s pretty much the same for the State Legislature and County races.

While neither US Senate seat is up for election during this cycle, both of New Hampshire’s present US Senators, Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen, are former governors of our state. The GOP gubernatorial candidate, Kelly Ayotte, is a former US Senator and former New Hampshire Attorney General. There’s a certain symmetry to this.

Thank goodness November 5th is less than two weeks away.

As for me, I will be working at the polls in our town that day. We are expecting a better than 80% voter turnout. We’ve seen an approximately 85% voter turnout over the past two Presidential elections, and with this election being as contentious as it has been, I wouldn’t be surprised if see closer to 90% turning out to vote.

Friday Funny (Saturday Edition) - Explaining Golf

I didn't realize it was Friday yesterday until I woke up this morning and saw the Saturday paper waiting for me. It was a busy week and I lost track of what day it was. But better a day late than not at all, right?

About the only thing funnier was Robin Williams explaining haggis.


Thoughts On A Sunday

There was no post yesterday, obviously. I do have a valid defense, however.

I was down in the Boston area attending my high school reunion.

I didn’t have my laptop with me, hence no post. I didn’t get back to The Gulch until just before midnight and all I wanted to do was go to bed. I didn’t even get arlound to cleaning the feline contingent’s litter box until this morning. (Yes, I know that makes me a bad cat dad.)

One thing I noticed during my trip to the reunion was the very heavy northbound traffic as leaf peepers were heading into New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont to catch the brilliant fall foliage. Even southbound traffic was affected as a trip that would have taken me about two hours to the reunion venue took almost three hours, the traffic hangups taking place at highway junctions. At least on my way home there wasn’t much in the way of traffic to slow things down.

This morning I noticed the higher than normal traffic when I was making my usual pre-church Walmart run. A lot of the ‘extra’ traffic had out-of-state license plates, meaning they were likely leaf peepers getting an early start (a little past 7 this morning) and hitting some of the diners for breakfast.

We are pretty close to peak colors here in the Lakes Region so this might be the peak leaf peeper traffic we’ll be seeing...until next year.

Oh, and the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout is being pulled from the water today. My boating season is over.


So much for ‘spontaneous’ support of Kamala in Philadelphia.


Matt Margolis is asking the question “Is Kamala’s campaign collapsing?”

Seeing the recent shift in campaign tactics, I’d have to say the answer to Matt’s question is “Yes”.

The one that sticks out the most is her questioning Trump’s health and ability to do media appearances. That’s laughable considering Kamala (or her handlers) worked to avoid open media events.

This shift was inevitable. Kamala is a terrible campaigner who thought she could get away with not doing any interviews for weeks, and she still hasn’t done a single press conference. Yet she's trying to accuse Trump of being too "exhausted" to do media appearances. She spent weeks avoiding unscripted media appearances, and when she finally started doing them, they were with friendly networks with interviewers who openly support her. She's trying to hit Trump on his age and stamina now because, frankly, the issues aren't working for her.

The reason why Kamala changed her media blackout strategy to a media blitz strategy is that the polls were telling her that the voters wanted to know more about her and her vision. Voters know Donald Trump and have already made up their minds about him. Yet, she hasn't figured that out yet. She won't get anywhere trying to give people reasons to vote against Trump, she needs to give voters a reason to support her, and she's proving once again she has no idea how to do that.

Her entire campaign has been about attacking Trump, period. You don’t win a campaign by focusing all your efforts on trying to paint your opponent as a “poopy head”, particularly if you put zero efforts into promoting reasons for people to vote for you.


And the hits keep on coming.

You know it’s bad for Kamala if even a cultural icon like Lizzo is saying outright that if Kamala becomes president, the country will be like Detroit. It so happens that I agree with Lizzo even if she didn’t realize she’d just thrown Kamala under the bus.

Lizzo claimed if Harris wins next month the country will look like Detroit, which is honestly not a good thing.

The singer brought up supposed voter suppression, too. She claimed people discourage youngsters from voting.

Ugh, Lizzo also reminded us that Harris has spent her entire career in the public sector. Yeah, another career politician.

How can Harris possibly understand the economy when she has no experience in the private sector?

Talk about being absolutely clueless and disconnected from society. One would think a “cultural icon” like Lizzo would know better. Instead we get someone who knows very little about how things actually work making statements that has done more to damage Kamala’s campaign than help it.


Has Michigan been taking lessons from the city of Chicago about how to fix elections? It appears so considering the state has a lot more people on its voter rolls than there are eligible voters in the entire state.

One has to ask this question: Just how many of the dead will be voting Democrat in the upcoming election?

It’s being reported now that Michigan has way more people on their voter rolls than there are voting-age residents in the entire state and that’s a huge concern given that it’s a battleground state.

According to the report their voter rolls have nearly half a million more voters on the list than the 8 million voters in the state.

Around 8.4 million people are registered to vote in Michigan, but that’s nearly 500,000 more people than the total number of voting-age residents in the state.

The inflated voter rolls in Michigan, a vital battleground state in the 2024 election, are one of the largest imbalances in the country, Bridge Michigan reported. The Republican National Committee sued Michigan Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over the inflated voter rolls earlier this year, along with filing lawsuits over other election-related issues in the state, but Benson’s office dismissed the concerns on Wednesday, arguing that the lawsuits “lay the groundwork to overturn the results of the election if they don’t like them.”


Secretary of State spokeswoman Angela Benander told Bridge Michigan that the GOP’s legal challenges “are an attempt to cause people to question the process.” The spokeswoman added that Michigan is expected to clear 606,800 inactive voters from the rolls, but that won’t be completed until 2027. Federal law requires voters to be removed from the rolls by state or local officials if the state is notified that they moved to a different state or if election mail sent to their home is returned as undeliverable. Voters are also removed if they do not vote in two consecutive federal elections.

How in the hell does it take until 2027 to get inactive voters removed from the state’s voter rolls??? That right there is how you know Michigan officials want cheating to occur because it should only take months to do this, not multiple years.

I have to agree that it looks like the perfect setup to commit election fraud, particularly since it the state won’t purge the voter rolls until the year before the 2028 presidential elections. But by then the damage could be done and the Michigan state government won’t care. But the rest of the nation could be paying the price...and become Detroit.


That this is just now coming to the forefront is disturbing to no end, “this” being the Left’s war on straight, white masculine men.

This is something that has been discussed in the so-called ‘Manosphere’ for years now, but it’s gotten to the point where it is difficult for even the most brain-dead person to ignore.

The Left has been waging war on straight, white masculine men for quite a while now. According to liberals, we’re the one group it’s okay to discriminate against, the one group where no one should have a voice, and the one group we need to replace in America. In fact, simply speaking out AGAINST DISCRIMINATION aimed at straight, white, masculine men makes liberals angry.


In fact, name ANY GROUP that Democrats care less about than dudes that just want to be dudes. Particularly straight white dudes who want to be dudes. They care more about the Palestinians. More about Ukrainians. They care more about illegal aliens.

When they’ll start placing sanctions on straight, white masculine men, some twisted version of the Jim Crow laws that discriminated against our black citizens back in the Bad Old Days? Will there be restricted seating on buses, on airplanes which relegates straight, white masculine men to the proverbial ‘back of the bus’? Will they be restricted to dining in certain sections of restaurants, or banned outright from eating with people who aren’t straight, white masculine men?

Just how bad will it get?


How long will it take for the “tax the rich into oblivion” Democrats to realize their plans to tax the bejeezus out of everyone, not just the rich, will collect less revenue than they believe will be collected?

I doubt they will ever be able to be convinced of that truth despite mountains of evidence showing that belief is wrong.

Earlier today I came across a claim from Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.), who said that Donald Trump's tax cuts brought in a record amount of revenue.

An old House GOP Ways and Means Committee post from April 2022 backed that claim by suggesting, "Total federal tax collections, including payroll and other taxes, are on track to reach $5.04 trillion in FY22, or 21.0 percent of GDP. This would be a new all-time high in both cases."

To your liberal friend or relative, such a number does not make sense. How does reducing taxes make more money for the government?

It's quite simple. Just ask: "Would you rather collect 20% of $100,000 in taxes or 20% of $1,000,000 in taxes?"

If they say 20% from one million, say that you, as the government, should incentivize people and businesses to make that million dollars as easily as possible. And thus, to do that, you should not tax them as heavily.

As a result, because everybody is making more money, the amount of money they pay in taxes is greater, even if they are all paying at the same rate, which also makes a flat tax more sensible than a progressive one.

Do the Democrats really want to boost revenues, or do they want to use confiscatory taxes to impoverish the wealthy who aren’t Democrats while also destroying the middle class? I am inclined to think it is more the latter than the former. If they are truly interested in boosting revenues, maybe they should look at the evidence and check out the Laffer Curve.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the trees look like they are on fire, the leaf peepers are here looking at them, and where I am still feeling the afterglow from my high school reunion.


Thoughts On A Sunday

It’s Columbus Day Weekend and the leaf peepers have arrived in droves. It isn’t near peak here at the Big Lake but it is up north in the mountains. We knew it would be a busy weekend for traffic when the youngest WP Sister made the drive up to The Gulch from her home in Massachusetts, a trip that normally takes about 2 hours. This time it was a 4 hour marathon as traffic was heavy and bumper-to-bumper...and she left her home at just past noon on Friday. Between the leaf peepers heading up early – the weather for it being very good on Friday and Saturday but not so great for Sunday and Monday due to rain – and other folks coming up to finally close up their cottages and summer homes and pull their boats from the water, get them winterized and into storage for the winter, there’s been a lot of heavy traffic. (My boat comes out next weekend as I didn’t want to get anywhere near the docks and boat ramp in our town this weekend.)

The restaurants have been busy, even here in the Lakes Region. While the summer businesses have been closed since just after Labor Day, the year round businesses are seeing plenty of customers, a bit more than I recall seeing this time of year. It’s the “last gasp” of the tourist season and once the fall foliage is gone so will the tourists. It will be quiet until ski season arrives around Christmas time.

And so it goes.


One thing I have mention is that the younger WP Sister is our family’s token liberal. Talking to her while she was here made me realize she’s imbibed in too much of the Kamala Kool-Aid, as she thinks that she’s been an effective Vice President, US Senator, California AG, and District Attorney. It tells me she really hasn’t bothered to do her own research, looked at Kamala’s record, and is swallowing the MSM propaganda whole. To my dear little Sis, she walks on water and is akin to the Second Coming.

I can only hope that when or if she realizes that Kamala’s image is as real as a cartoon that it won’t crush her.

We’ll be here for her should that happen.


I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d like Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance. After hearing about this little back and forth between Vance and ABC’s Martha Radditz, I can say I do like “the cut of his jib”.

Raddatz: "The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes… A handful!"

Vance: “Do you hear yourself? Only a handful of apartment complexes were taken over by Venezuelan gangs and Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris' open border?"

Only a handful? There should be none.


This post dealing with Gen Z mental illness being a lifestyle had me thinking, and this is the comment I made:

I suffer from mental illness...not mine, but other people's. This is particularly true of the woke whose delusions about themselves drive me to distraction, if not a little crazy.

I'm too busy to spend time feeding other people's delusions.

As we all should be.


One thing that shows the election is less than a month away?

The explosion of campaign signs.

While they have been around here since mid-August due the state primary, it seems like they have multiplied by an order of magnitude since then. They’re everywhere, particularly the ubiquitous 2ft x 3ft campaign signs that line every road and intersection.

The wide range of offices up for grabs running the range between some county offices like Clerk of Probate, to the NH House, NH Senate, Executive Council, Governor, US House of Representatives, and President and Vice President, of course. (Neither of our US Senators are up for reelection this year, but one will be in 2026.) The local office campaign signs far outnumber the rest, but then I would expect nothing less.

One of the more interesting things about all of the signs will be how long it will take before all of them have been taken down. They are supposed to be taken down within 7 days after the election, but more often than not it takes a little longer than a week for them to disappear. Some reappear come spring when the snow is finally gone, though those are few and far between.

All I know is that I will be glad when the calendar says November 6th and this election foolishness will be past us...until Town Meeting in March.


We keep hearing that the only way to “Save Democracy” is to elect Kamala Harris. But we’ve been mishearing what Kamala and her ‘supporters’ have been saying.

We think they’re saying “democracy” when what they’re really saying is “democrisy”. The definition of “democrisy”?

A fusion of democracy and hypocrisy, something that has little to do with freedom.

This is what the Democrats and their puppet Kamala Harris have in mind for us.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where mid-fall weather has arrived a little early, the leaves still haven’t changed here yet, and where we don’t have to worry about Monday this week because it’s a holiday.


Is Mental Illness Is Just Another Path To Victimhood?

I came across this about mental illness over at Instapundit and I have to say it immediately had me nodding my head as I had to agree with the premise, that being mental illness is more prevalent today than in the past, and that too many people their mental illness “is an important part of [their] identity.” As I saw in the comments:

My generation grew up looking for frogs and sh*t.

Your generation grew up looking for a WiFi signal.

We are not the same.

I have to think that might have had something to do with it. And then there’s this:

Boomers were free-range children, outside in the sunlight.

The youth today are over scheduled and inside too much.

I have to wonder if mental illness is just another way for some people to claim victimhood, perhaps as a means of not having to grow up and be an adult.

Friday Funny (Saturday Morning Edition) - Things That Don't Make Sense To Engineers

It being a holiday weekend and having family coming up for a visit kind of screwed up my day yesterday and I didn't get around to posting my usual Friday humor post. It happens now and then, this being one of those times. But better late than never.

And now, without further delay. I present a (rather) late Friday Funny:

Being an engineer, I find I agree with everything he listed.


Thoughts On A Sunday

We’ve been seeing fluctuating temperatures here at the lake, with them swinging between above normal and below normal high temperatures. In other words, a typical fall weather pattern. The foliage colors are changing across the area and I expect them to hit peak here right around the coming holiday weekend. This also means that my boating season has only a couple of weeks to go before the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout is pulled from the water, a couple of weeks earlier than usual.

Normally the boat would be pulled out at the end of the month, but the boatyard I use to winterize and store the boat has changed hands as the original owner retired and sold his business. The new owners have a ‘cutoff’ date which is two weeks before I would usually pull the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout out of the water. However, I am not complaining as there have years when I’ve pulled the boat out of the water earlier than usual.


Reading about and listening to reports on TV about the inadequate government response to Hurricane Helene, particularly when it comes to western North Carolina, has me wondering just what the hell is going on. With FEMA officials threatening volunteers with arrest if they try to get aid and help to the areas requiring such help and the FAA issuing NOTAMs (Notice To Airmen) banning flight operations in the affected area by civilian aircraft capable of delivering supplies to affected areas, I have to wonder if it is incompetence or malice driving this.

Knowing the Biden-Harris administration as we do and seeing how they have handled everything since January 2021, I have to say it’s both. Nothing else explains the weak and wholly inadequate response. Both President Biden and Vice President Harris had more important things to do than deal with the widespread destruction, like vacation and a Nevada fundraiser, respectively.

Government nonfeasance and interference reached the point where reports were appearing the North Carolina State Police and/or a number of Sheriff’s departments were threatening to arrest federal government officials interfering with ongoing emergency operations. Whether this is accurate is not known (at this point), but it sounds like a darned good idea, particularly if it’s true that FEMA has been “actively blocking shipments” of relief supplies.

On top of that, the feds have threatened to arrest one civilian helicopter pilot if he continues to fly relief/rescue missions.

The GOP should be hammering the Biden-Harris administration for its weak response and the apparent lack of interest in getting help to a disaster zone. Trump should keep reminding people at every rally and speech about the administration’s disdain for people who aren’t “them”.

And then there’s this as a possible motive for slow-tracking relief efforts, “this” being that most North Carolina voters back Trump, but will have a hard time voting come November, something which will work in favor of Kamala Harris.

Am I being cynical about possible motives to leave those North Carolina residents in dire straits? Or am I on target?

Axelrod noted that many victims of Hurricane Helene in the region are primarily Trump supporters, which could impact their ability to vote in the upcoming 2024 election. He mentioned that while Democrats in Asheville are likely to find ways to vote, those who have suffered extensive losses in western North Carolina may not be as easily mobilized for the Trump campaign.


A number of communities in Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida and Tennessee have been devastated by Hurricane Helene, including massive structural damage and flooding in Ashville, known as the San Francisco of the South. The fact that Axelrod would even raise this, instead of expressing concern for the welfare of hurricane victims, speaks volumes in which he has essentially said the quiet part out loud.

It is abundantly clear that the Biden-Harris administration is deliberately delaying or preventing recovery efforts in North Carolina and other swing states as Election Day approaches. This done in hopes of gaining some sort of electoral advantage come November 5th.

Of course this could backfire, particularly if Trump makes it a topic during his campaign over the next four weeks.


Seeing Kamala Harris’s frozen teleprompter moment reminds me of Obama, someone who was quite articulate...as long as he had a script, but foundered when he had to speak off the cuff. It seems to be a common problem with the previous Democrat president as well as the present Democrat President and Vice President. (At least SloJoe has the excuse of dementia. Harris does not...which might explain why she never speaks unscripted.)


I saw this video this morning and I have to admit that if the woman in this video was for real, then we have a real problem.

Talk about a self-centered and selfish individual!

The YouTube guy lambasting this woman put his money where his mouth is. He understands what’s happening in western North Carolina. She’s friggin’ clueless...and entitled.


Speaking from an engineering point of view, more people need to be aware of the downsides of EVs, particularly when it comes to safety and specifically when it comes to the batteries. EVs have their issues, one of them being that they aren’t really “green” considering the the environmental issues with the extraction of the materials needed for the batteries and the electric motors. And then there’s the human cost considering one of the materials used to manufacture the lithium-ion batteries – cobalt – is mined by children and slaves. This is something devoutly ignored by EV proponents because it is inconvenient to The Narrative.

And then there’s the safety issues which have been increasingly in the media, with the batteries being one of the major ones.

It is now, or should be, common knowledge that electric vehicles—cars, trucks, buses, bikes, scooters—under conditions of even low humidity or water damage, are prone to catching fire, owing to the unstable nature of the lithium-ion battery. As Chris Morrison writes at The Daily Skeptic, EVs are known to explode “with the force of a bomb blasting super-heated jets of flame, melting and decomposing nearby structural materials including metal and concrete, and sending vast amounts of toxic fumes into any enclosed atmosphere.”

Jammed into underground parking garages or packed in ferries, EVs are harbingers of almost unimaginable disaster—ecological and safety menaces to which the Net Zero fanatics among our political leadership are comatosely indifferent.

We have witnessed lethal battery explosions in South Korea and elsewhere with significant loss of life. QBE Europe reports that such fires are increasing at a worrisome rate and explains: “Lithium-ion fires are the result of thermal runaway, where batteries start to irreversibly overheat, usually due to impact damage, over-charging or over-heating... The resulting explosive fire incidents are significantly more energetic [than ordinary fires], causing extensive damage, and potentially injury or even death.” They cannot be readily put out and will often re-ignite.

While proponents claim EV fires aren’t nearly as numerous as claimed, one has to remember that there aren’t all that many EVs on the road compared to ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles. As mentioned in the quote above, “they cannot be really put out and will often re-ignite”, something local fire departments have found out the hard way when dealing with EV fires. They have to douse the burning vehicles with tens of thousands of gallons of water, not to extinguish the fire but to keep it from spreading to other vehicles or nearby structures until it finally burns itself out. That the number of EV fires has been increasing doesn’t help.

A lot of parking garages won’t allow EVs to park on lower levels, requiring them to park on the top level if it is open to the sky in case there is a fire. Chargers are located on the top level for the same reason.

As I have mentioned on more than one occasion, a work I am the “Battery Guy” in our engineering department. I remind my colleagues the lithium-ion batteries we use in our instruments are really unstable incendiary grenades with a loose pin. We over-designed the battery charging, management, and safety systems to help reduce the possibility of a catastrophic battery failure, and even then we wonder if it will be safe enough. Those are generally single cell battery packs.

Now picture EVs with thousands of battery cells, and all it takes is for one of those thousands of cells to fail, overheat, and ignite to start a cascade failure that turns the EV into an incendiary bomb. That cell can be one that is weaker than the thousands of other cells, was damaged while the battery pack was being built or installed in the EV, or was ‘tweaked’ during an accident that eventually caused it to fail and ignite.

Yeah, I think I’ll stick with ICE vehicles as they seem to have less of a propensity to spontaneously ignite.


That’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the leaves are continuing their change to their fiery fall colors, the traffic on the lake is a fraction of what it was a month ago, and where we’ll be spending as much time out on and around the lake looking at the colors as we can.


How Convenient

When I heard the September jobs report on last night’s local news, my first thought was “Oh, how convenient for the Harris campaign.” Considering how many times over the past three-plus years jobs reports have been revised downwards, in some cases by quite a bit, I am skeptical that new jobs are suddenly well above expectations. The timing is suspicious, at least to me. I have to wonder if those wonderful September jobs numbers will be revised heavily downwards the day after the election?

If those job numbers are not artificially inflated, then I have to ask whether they were because of the actions of the Biden-Harris administration or in spite of them? Seeing the employment numbers track record of the present administration I am heavily inclined to believe it is the latter rather than the former.

The latest report states the U3 unemployment rate is ~4.1% and the U6 rate of 7.3% which includes the U3 rate (unemployed but collecting unemployment benefits) plus those who are unemployed but no longer collecting benefits and those who are underemployed (working but in jobs that pay less then their previous jobs or only working part time).

It will be interesting to see what the job numbers look like after the election on November 5th.


Friday Funny - Vintage SNL - Point/Counterpoint

This is from when Saturday Night Live was relatively new and cutting edge comedy.