We might have a white Christmas up here as the Weather Guys TM say we’ll be getting some snow on Christmas Eve. They haven’t said how much we can expect, but just enough to ensure a white Christmas would be fine with me.
Just when I thought college campuses couldn’t get any worse when it comes to the decay of any morality, they prove me wrong. It seems some of the top universities have refused to address the antisemitism that infests their campuses.
A U.S. House of Representatives committee report released Thursday detailed how universities likely violated Title VI by failing to protect their Jewish students on campus.To hear some of the administrators and faculty tell it, Israel and Jews are the cause of all problems, that Israel deserved the attacks by Hamas on October 7th, 2023 that killed 1139 Israeli men, women, and children, and another 250 men, women, and children were taken hostage by Hamas and taken back to Gaza. Many of those hostages are now dead. That seems just fine to the know-nothing on-campus supporters of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Islamic terrorist groups.
Following “a more than 7-months long investigation into antisemitism on American college campuses,” the Committee on Education and the Workforce found that administrators “refused to crack down on antisemitism,” states the 43-page Staff Report on Antisemitism.
“In fact, many colleges handed down disparate disciplinary actions for Jewish students versus their antagonists—the students who engaged in antisemitic behavior, encampments, and intimidating tactics such as campus checkpoints and tax-exempt organizations that enabled and funded violent campus protests, among other troubling findings,” it states.
The report also blames federal government departments and agencies for “entirely avoid[ing] any accountability for institutions to which they award millions of dollars annually.”
Seeing the crap that’s been coming out of Hollywood over the past decade or so, I feel no sympathy for the fact that Hollywood has been killing itself.
[Hollywood] is an orgy or narcissism and rape; casting couch feminists and private jet environmentalists. The extremely wealthy who set up “charities” named after themselves to filter income through to avoid paying the taxes they advocate should be raised on everyone else. They are largely hypocrites and just plain bad people.It seems the Powers That Be in Hollywood have forgotten Rule #1 when it comes to their customers: Give the customer what they want. Instead, they are trying to tell the customers what they should want, if they knew what was good for them.
They are also destroying themselves, which is something worth noting and celebrating.
Box office numbers and high-profile flops like the Joker sequel (did anyone need or want that?) are some prime examples of just how far down the toilet Hollywood has slipped. People are not interested in what they are selling.
It has had just the opposite effect and Hollywood is dying.
Good riddance. My only question is how long before its suicide is complete?
I mentioned in yesterday’s post about not following Germany’s example when it comes to its electrical grid. Germany’s problems are why we should be staying away from renewables, specifically wind.
From November 2 to November 8 and from December 10 to December 13, Germany’s electricity supply from renewable energies collapsed as a typical winter weather situation with a lull in the wind and minimal solar irradiation led to supply shortages, high electricity imports and skyrocketing electricity prices.It seems a lot of the same kind of folks who crippled Germany’s energy supply want to do the same thing here. They are also the same folks who will prevent our ability to import abundant hydropower from Canada, so we won’t have the ability to make up for lack of generation capacity which means we’d be in dire straits if we allow these “same kind of folks” to get their way.
The reason: The socialist/green led coalition government and the prior Merkel governments had decommissioned 19 nuclear power plants (30% of Germany’s electricity demand) and 15 coal-fired power plants were taken off the grid on April 1, 2023 alone. 4.35 billion euros of taxpayers’ money in decommissioning premiums were distributed to RWE and LEAG (East Germany). In January 2025, RWE’s Weisweiler power plant will go offline. This, of all months, will occur in January, when electricity consumption in Germany is at its highest and France may have little to supply. This is because France is the most heat-sensitive country in Europe and even small fluctuations in temperature can have an impact on electricity consumption due to the widespread use of electric heating systems. 1 degree Celsius less and consumption in France increases by 2400 megawatts!
From the “Just When I thought They Couldn’t Get Any Stupider” Department comes this:
Woke, Left-Wing Michigan Democrats Make Eggs Illegal Unless they are ‘Cage Free’.
If you need more proof that the recent election has not taught Democrats that Americans hate them because they are leftist, lunatic, fascists, the Democrats in Michigan are here to remind us of their inability to learn political lessons by passing a ban on eggs, unless they are “cage free.”One has to wonder what they have in mind to ban next. Maybe freedom of speech? Goodness knows they’ve already tried to kill the Second Amendment.
You read that right, Michigan Democrats now want to ban your breakfast.
And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the temps are wicked chilly, the lake is freezing over, and where I can ignore Monday for yet another week.