
A Clash Of Cultures

I have been involved in a discussion in a Disqus thread regarding the lack of available housing and the rapid rise in home prices. This has also brought up the problem of folks ‘from away’ moving into their new towns and screwing things up. This brought to mind a series I posted a couple of times in the past – Weekend Pundit’s Guide To Country Living - with the latest postings (in 2019) updated to reflect the changes since the original postings in 2003.

I dug those out of the Weekend Pundit Archives to review them and realized they were still germane, but needed major updates to reflect the new conditions. So I will be going through them and making those changes, to point out to the newcomers that they are now living in a different culture and we will not change our culture to meet their demands, that they are acting like the stereotypical “Ugly American”. Call it a clash of cultures.

Hmm, maybe we could even offer classes such as suggested for the Loeb/Reynolds Orientation Institute, aka Glenn Reynolds’ Welcome Wagon idea?

Hopefully I can get them revised and posted over the coming week.