
Saturday 'Stuff'

Seeing the debacle that was the Harris-Walz interview on CNN I have to wonder what Kamala’s campaign managers were thinking. Her 18 minute dog-and-pony show, shepherded by her running mate was total cringe, from beginning to end. Do they really think this was a winning move for her?

I have to think this ‘performance’ will motivate her campaign to try to weasel out of the upcoming debate, either by coming up with some ‘emergency’ which would ‘prevent’ Kamala from participating, or trying (again) to change the conditions of the debate which would allow her to know what questions will be asked ahead of time, have the carefully crafted answers on hand via her notes, and to keep the microphones live all the time which would allow one candidate to interrupt the candidate speaking, whether to deflect one candidate’s answer or to shout over their response. You know the campaign is in trouble when even die-hard Democrats are slamming the Harris-Walz ticket, seeing them as out of touch with the middle class, pushing unconstitutional tax plans and price controls that would devastate the economy.

While I did not watch the Biden-Trump debate because I knew it would be a total sh*t show from the beginning, I will watch the Harris-Trump debate, assuming it actually takes place, and will do so with fascination to see just how much Kamala will destroy her chances of being elected. I have a feeling it will be a train wreck.


One thing that surprised me today was the lighter traffic than I expected, seeing as it is a holiday weekend. While I didn’t expect to see a lot of people at Walmart when I shopped there at 7:30 this morning, there were more than a few. A second shopping trip at one of big box discount stores around lunch time showed not nearly as much traffic as I would have expected. Even the big box discount store didn’t seem to have as many people in it as I would have expected, even for a normal non-holiday weekend. Not that it was deserted by any means, but there were no long lines to check out, no queue of vehicles waiting to get in or out, no queues at the big box discount store’s gas pumps. The only traffic hold up seen was after we had left the store with our groceries, coming to a two-lane to one-lane merge a bit up the road as people jockeyed into position for the ‘zipper’ merge, the hold up lasting about 15 seconds or so. That was it. The rest of the way was clear sailing.

While it was cloudy through most of the day, there was no rain, so it wasn’t the weather affecting traffic. It wasn’t that the ‘usual suspects’ coming up for the holiday weekend never made the trip as the parking lots and driveways at the various summer homes, condos, restaurants, and beaches were as full. I’m not sure why folks weren’t out on the roads for their usual ‘summer weekend at the lake’ activities.

It was really weird.


NOTE: This post was delayed a bit as I did not craft it on my usual ‘writing’ computer, but on one of my new miniPC Linux boxes.

I have to give a mea culpa for this as I didn’t do quite enough homework before I started a backup on my laptop, not realizing the initial backup on that computer would take hours...and hours...and hours. It is presently in its eighth hour of the backup process, though not because I have so many files and data that needs to be backed up, but because it is so damn slow! The app that performs the backup is excruciatingly slow and is also quite thorough which is why it is taking so long. What I should have done is merely copy the data files onto the external drive I use for backups. It would have taken all but 20 minutes at most to copy what I wanted to backup.

Lesson learned.

I performed the backup because I was preparing to update the O/S from Ubuntu Linux 22.04 to 24.04. I will usually backup or copy my important files before doing any such update. Not that I have ever had a problem when updating Linux in all the years I’ve been using Linux. But I am a firm believer in Murphy’s Law and I know that if I didn’t backup my files that something would happen.