
Thoughts On A Sunday

While the calendar says it still two weeks until Labor Day weekend we’re still seeing the summer season winding down. In some places school starts after next weekend. For those families with children involved is school sports, those sports have already started practice. That certainly limits the time those families can visit the Big Lake. Other than Labor Day weekend, I doubt we’ll see the usual summer traffic over the next two weeks.

I have to say I am surprised just how quickly summer has passed. It feels like the Fourth of July was just last week and Memorial Day two weeks ago. I haven’t been out on the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout nearly as much as I had hoped though I expect that like last year I will more than make up for it after Labor Day weekend. Most of the summerfolk will be gone and the lake won’t have nearly as many boats (and Cap’n Boneheads) on it, making it nicer (and safer) out on the lake. That seems to be how it’s worked out for me the past few years, some of it caused by weather and some by being busy with other things.

One of the other signs of summer’s end is the number of boats I see being pulled out of the water and prepared for storage. The boatyard that maintains and stores the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout has been busy, getting boats prepped for winter storage. They won’t be seeing my boat until late October, as per usual. Until then I plan to spend quite a bit of time out on the lake.


One thing that I dislike about this campaign season is the number of single issue voters out there, more than I remember seeing in the past.

I don’t dislike single issue voters. I pity them. Too often they don’t think things through. They tend to ignore the downsides of other positions the candidate(s) they support may have that are detrimental to their family, their town, county, state, or the country as a whole.

One of those single issues that blinds voters to other positions held by a candidate is abortion.

I have heard so many campaign ads pushing a candidate’s pro-abortion stance while ignoring the other positions a candidate holds, even those that are clearly destructive to things like our economy, our legal system, and our rights, just to name a few. Certainly the Democrats have been trying to push abortion as the Number 1 issue of this year’s election. It isn’t. To quote Frank Zappa, “It ain’t even Number 2.”

We can only hope that some of them will wake up before it’s too late and will look at the entire picture before voting.


You know things aren’t going well when a campaign official for Harris admits they’ve blatantly lied about Trump’s connection to Project 2025.

From USA Today comes this tidbit:

Project 2025 is a political playbook created by the Heritage Foundation and dozens of other conservative groups, not Trump, who said he disagrees with elements of the effort.

Steve MacDonald adds:

There is nothing new here, but the slip of this other mask—someone admitting the Harris campaign was deliberately deceptive—is surprising and may have to be memory-holed. Let’s not let them get away with that.

I have to wonder what else the Harris campaign has got up its sleeve between now and the election. If nothing else, it’s going to be ‘interesting’...and not in a good way.

This isn’t new news as it’s been out there for a few weeks now, but it bears repeating as I have recently been hearing the “Trump is fully in on Project 2025 and all of his proposed policies are based on it” meme again...and again.


If we need more proof that renewables aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, here the latest: SunPower Corp., a major, nationwide provider of residential solar panels and helped build the largest solar plant in the country has filed for bankruptcy.

The company is laying off its employees and is ceasing direct sales. What does it mean for their residential customers who bought their products?

The warranties and maintenance they depend on are now history...and they still have to repay the loans they took out to pay for their solar panels even if the company is bankrupt and closing its doors.

This is a large well-known solar company yet it hasn’t survived. How many other companies are in the same boat?


I expect this is one paper that will be devoutly ignored, if not attacked and castigated because it doesn’t meet The NarrativeTM. What does the paper say?

A Chinese group has looked at all the different kinds of 2,000 year long proxies in the PAGES dataset and found that history looks quite different depending on which proxy you pick. Only the tree rings show the HockeyStick shape that matches the climate models. In other proxies, temperatures have fallen for most of the last 2,000 years, especially in the Southern half of the world. And even after the recent warming, we are not yet back to the temperatures the Romans lived through.

So yet again, we see that that current temperatures are not unusual except according to tree rings, which we know are affected by rising levels of CO2. (The paper does not mention CO2 or carbon or fertilizer).

I figure the Climate Change faithful will be attacking this paper in 3...2...1…

And while we’re at it let’s add this to the mix just for fun: Number Of Typhoons In The Pacific Trending Downward Over 70 Years!

Of course this must also be devoutly ignored because it also doesn’t meet The NarrativeTM.


Just how petty can Facebook get? How about this petty:

It is now censoring ads for the new “Reagan” movie.

Dennis Quaid was on with Joe Rogan talking about his new movie, Reagan, coming out on August 30th and how Facebook is now censoring the advertising for the film. The film looks incredible, and I cannot wait to see it. The trailer gives you all the patriotic feels, and the Facebook Commies don’t want you to see that. Because we can’t have you feeling patriotic about the country you live in. What do you think this is, a free country?

According to Dennis Quaid, Facebook says that it’s because the film is trying to “sway an election.” Which is really rich coming from Facebook, who literally censored half of America during the last election to help…sway an election. Once again, lefties are just projecting.

Talk about hypocrisy! And people wonder why I don’t like Facebook. Yes, I use it, but minimally and only for keeping in touch with family and friends. Even then I only check in once or twice a month.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where it’s rained all morning and a good part of the afternoon, weekend traffic is trailing off a little earlier than usual, and yet again Monday is returning to harsh our mellow.