
A Busy Day

As you may have noticed there's no post tonight. It's not from disinterest. Rather, this was a the day our town celebtated what is called Old Home Day, a day for present and past residents to celebrate our town. For me the day started well before 6AM, getting ready to to take the WP Mom to our church for an 8AM start of the festivities. Later there was a parade, then the opening of the field where the various food vendors, crafts stalls, games, and so on. There was live music. Oh, and did I mention there was food?

I also managed to squeeze in a run to the dump between the morning and afternoon activites.

And then there were the fireworks!

I just got back and realized I hadn't queued a post ahead of time and I am too tuckered out. So I will have to make up for it in Sunday's post!