
Tired Of It Yet?

I didn’t think it was possible, not so early. But here it is and I am already tired of this election season.

No, strike that. I am sick to death of it.

It isn’t the campaigning. I expect that.

It isn’t the BS being sold by the media. That’s nothing new. I’ve seen it for decades so I have a pretty decent media BS filter.

It isn’t all of the “impartial” polls that are totally meaningless at this point, even the ones that oversample from one one political party which no one can deny skews poll results.

It isn’t the speeches as they pretty much go with any election season, whether they are great, awful, or somewhere in between.

It isn’t even the in-person glad-handing by candidates wanting my vote (or my money) that bothers me.

What it is that I am tired of is all of the political ads, the many many many ads showing up everywhere...and I mean everywhere. I’m used to seeing them on TV or hearing them on the radio, but they pop up on my computer when I’m on the web or even worse, when I’m browsing YouTube for funny/interesting videos or watching dash cam videos of people doing really dumb stuff on the road. They are friggin’ everywhere.

What’s bad is that, as usual, so many of them are misleading, with some of them lying by omission. Sometimes they’ll say “So-and-so voted for/against This, That, and The Other Thing, something against what we believe!!”, but when you check (many times those ads will show a reference to the legislation if it’s a video ad), you find out that the legislation they were talking about wasn’t exactly about the subject the ad claimed. That’s bad enough, but not unexpected.

It’s that they are far more numerous than in the past, particularly now they they are showing up in places I’ve never seen them before like my work laptop (which uses Chrome), my tablets, and even my phone. I don’t get them on my home computers, thank goodness, but then I use Linux on those (including the one I am using to write this post) and they all use the Brave browser which has a built-in ad blocker...which doesn't work on ads on YouTube, unfortunately.

I’m not sure how much longer I can stand this seeing as we’re still about three months away from the election in November. It’s only going to get worse between now and then and I have no doubt I am not the only one that will be wholly sick and tired of it all well before November.