
Thoughts On A Sunday

It’s been a weird weekend with a mix of thunderstorms and sunny skies. Saturday started with a thunderstorm just past midnight and rain that was on and off until mid-morning. It became sunny in the afternoon but the clouds returned late in the day and the rain returned in the evening and again lasted until mid-morning. I am not really complaining about the weather as it gave me a good excuse to do an overdue major cleaning in and around The Gulch. The only time I left was to do a little shopping at Walmart early Saturday morning and to go down to one of the local general stores to get a BLT for lunch. (They have great BLTs.)

I have also been nursing an ailing member of our feline contingent, Pip. She’s the last of the original feline contingent from The Manse. I won’t go into the details about her ailment other than to say it has caused some swelling in one ear which is causing her some discomfort. I wish there was more I could do for her, but all I can do at the moment is make sure she’s comfortable and that she has enough food and water.


Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Donald Trump is doing his best to lose the election? After his debate with Joe Biden I thought that Trump understood that keeping his mouth shut was the best strategy, one that had the Democrats confused and unsure about what to do.

After the assassination attempt he was again much quieter than many expected, as if contemplating how close he came to dying and taking stock about what was important. This lasted through most of the RNC convention, and then the “old” Trump reasserted itself. I don’t think he could help himself.

I would like to think his campaign advisors were telling him “Don, less is more. You don’t need to comment about everything, particularly about things that the Democrats are already damaging themselves with. If nothing else, the low-key approach is driving them crazy! So keep your trap shut, okay?” But he couldn’t help himself.

He’s back to pissing off people with his off-the-cuff remarks, alienating the very people he needs in order to win. Heck, he’s pissing me off, and I support him. He’s his own worst enemy. He has to remember that this isn’t his TV show The Apprentice, but real life.

Donald, I like you. I support you. But you need to learn when to shut the hell up!


To steal a quote from the Instaprof: Compare and contrast.

This man went to a Kamala event wearing a Trump shirt, and a Trump event wearing a Kamala shirt. The difference in how he was treated was stunning.

This isn’t the first time I have seen something like this. The differences between the two parties is stark – one is accepting of those who disagree with them and is willing to converse with them while the other is intolerant, hostile, confrontational, and in some cases, violent.

I’ll leave it to you to figure which party is which.


This is one thing I hope will be brought forward during the Presidential election campaign: Kamala Harris is hostile to the Second Amendment. She wanted to use an illegal registry to harass gun owners and confiscate firearms.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris once threatened to use databases of gun owners to send police to their homes to confiscate firearms.

Ms. Harris described her gun control stance in August 2019 at a Democratic presidential primary forum that took place shortly after two deadly mass shootings in California and Texas.

She said she was “prepared to take executive action” to implement comprehensive background checks, crack down on gun dealers and ban the import of so-called assault weapons.

“Take executive action” means she knew there was no way she could get legislation passed to do those things because it was likely the Supreme Court would strike it down as violating the Second Amendment. We already know Harris has little use for the Constitution, seeing it more as an impediment to the state taking complete power over our lives from cradle to grave.


Is Canada on the verge of collapse and dissolution? If things keep going as they have under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, I’d say the answer is ‘Yes’.

Between whittling away at Canadians’ civil rights, heavy deficit spending and the confiscatory taxes that go with it, Ottawa’s willful neglect of the country’s citizens and “sit down, shut up, and do what we tell you” attitude, is it any wonder Canadians have had enough of Justin “Castreau” and the Leftists that keep him in power? What will be the tipping point that will have Canadians saying “Enough!” and will move to dissolve the Dominion of Canada?

There is a very real fear and presentiment across the land that the country is disintegrating, Many Canadians now feel, whether implicitly or overtly, that Canada is on the cusp, teetering on the verge of collapse and dissolution. The National Post reports that “A majority of Canadians looking at the country they see around them say everything seems to be broken. Concerned about rising costs, the state of health care, affordable housing, jobs and more, half of us are also angry about the way Canada is being run.” Similarly, an Ipsos poll found that 7 in 10 Canadians agree that “Canada is broken.” As Lee Harding writes in the Western Standard, our rulers “in our own capital city [are] full of self-aggrandizement, handing out contracts to their friends, serving foreign interests, burying us in public debt, and laying heavy taxes on people.” Sounds like it could be the U.S. under Biden and Harris.

Nine years and three terms of Liberal rule under the incompetent and scandal-ridden Marxist prime minister Justin Trudeau have led to a state of affairs in which, as one representative young woman lamented, “This country is falling apart. There’s no more freedom. Everyone is working just to survive and everyone is miserable.” Another concurs: “Every single system is flawed in Canada and it’s so sad, this used to be the best country in the world, now everything is backwards.” “Canada feels Like a house of cards waiting to collapse,” says the Jacobin, “Canada is in deep crisis. It's unfashionable in centrist circles to say so, but it's true. The country is literally on fire.” The Financial Post, for its part, defines Canada as “A leader among the so-called ‘breakdown nations,’” with the worst rate of growth among 50 developed economies.

It’s even worse that what’s laid out above due to an incompetent government and a Marxist Prime Minister who managed to criminalize so-called “hate speech”, said hate speech to be defined by a censorship bureaucracy with penalties for such hate speech going up to and including life imprisonment.

Hmm...where have we seen something like this before? Maybe the old Soviet Union? Or present day Russia? Or Cuba? (Could it be that PM Castreau is taking after his biological father. Fidel?)

So what happens if Canadians do reach the point where they’ve had enough? Will Canada fracture and the various provinces will go their own way? Will Quebec finally become an independent nation? Will other provinces apply for statehood in the US? Will others band together to form their own nation?

I can see Alberta, Saskatchewan, and maybe Manitoba applying to join the US. In some ways they are more like the bordering US states than they are the rest of Canada. I have no idea about the Maritime Provinces or what they would do, though I know two of them had considered applying for statehood if Quebec voted for independence from Canada, those two being Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. What would Newfoundland and Labrador do? Which way would Prince Edward Island go?

As far as the rest, who knows? I doubt Ontario would join the US as it seems to be the ‘California’ of Canada. I have no idea if British Columbia would do so or go their own way. Then there’s the question of the Territories – the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Yukon - and what their status would be.

What’s the chance that this will happen? I haven’t a clue.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the weather has been schizophrenic, people are still driving stupid, and where Monday is looming large...again.