
Thoughts On A Sunday

We’re getting another taste of summer weather today as we’ll expected to see temps in the 80’s along with higher humidity. Not that I’m complaining. I doubt we’ll see more than a few more days like this between now and Columbus Day. I won’t make it out on the lake today as I’m waiting for the summerfolk to depart before I venture out. To all intents and purposes the lake will be “ours” again and I’ll be spending quite a bit of time out on its waters from hereon out. It will be particularly nice during foliage season as it is easier to catch the fall colors from the lake and to see them from places that can only be reached by water.

It’s true that a number of the summer businesses will be closing after this weekend though others will remain open for a few more weeks, though mainly on the weekends. (One such place, one of my favorite local ice cream stand/restaurant will only be open weekends from now and will close for the season before the end of September.) The summer traffic will soon be replaced by foliage tourists, also known as “leaf peepers”, as the colors of the leaves change from green to the reds, oranges, and yellows that draw tourists from all over the world. Around here the peak foliage usually appears around the first or second week of October and along with it peak tourist traffic. It still won’t be as heavy as we see during the summer, but it does mean tourist dollars will be flowing into the area. Then it will taper off and our area will be ours again. Yes, there is also plenty of winter tourism as folks come up ‘from away’ to go skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, ice skating, and ice fishing, but nothing like we see during summer.

Despite my opinions on all of this, I do have to say that this summer passed by far more quickly than I expected. It feels like Memorial Day was just two weeks ago and the Fourth of July was last week. Where did the summer go?


As much as I have expected the political campaigns for the various state and federal offices to go negative, I have to admit surprise to see just how negative they have become in a relatively short period of time. One of the nastiest turns has been for the Democrat race for New Hampshire governor, with the two major candidates going at each other “hammer and thong”. Not that the GOP front runner has been able to escape negative ads, though a majority of those have been put up by an allegedly non-partisan pro-abortion group.

Seeing as our state primary election is in a little over a week, I expect the levels of negativity to skyrocket the closer we get to primary day.

And so it goes.


Speaking of negative campaigns, I have to wonder if these observations will be used to slam Kamala since they show her true colors:

- Harris has never spoken to any family member of the Abbey-Gate bombing. Trump was at Arlington at their request, as was his photographer. This is pretty gross.
These families have been ignored by the media, ignored by Harris, stood by while Biden checked his watch during the…

- Harris will send your kid to war ignore it if they get killed then whine about someone else laying the wreath to remember them.

- Kamala Harris conducted a more in-depth investigation into Trump comforting the grieving family of a soldier killed on her watch than she has into why those 13 soldiers died.

- It takes a special level of sociopathy for Kamala Harris to get on her high horse and wag her finger about respecting Arlington National Cemetery when the people she’s lecturing were there because *she* got people killed.
The moral vapidity of DC perfectly illustrated.

NBC News asked Gold Star mom Kelly Hoover if it was “appropriate” for President Trump to visit Arlington National Cemetery.
"Are you in my shoes? I invited him. My son was murdered under the Biden-Harris administration."

Read the whole thing, particularly the comments.

There’s more on this here and here.


Might this be a new trend with TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome – in Hollywood, that being spontaneous healing taking place in some members of the Hollywood Left?

Whether it’s the thought of Comrade Kamala forcing price controls, the realization that the senile president of the United States has likely been vacationing on a beach the past three and a half years, or that inflation is quite literally out of control — no one can be sure.

But Hollywood actor Michael Rapaport is sure of one thing: that he was wrong.

“I was the first in line talking s**t about Trump,” Rapaport told Sage Steele in an interview. “I was all day every day.”

It shows us there’s some hope, even in Hollywood.

As the saying goes, Read The Whole Thing.


From the “Just When I Thought They Couldn’t Get Any Stupider” Department comes this gem:

”Son” and “Daughter” Deleted From Newspeak Dictionary

Vermont public health officials are encouraging teachers and parents to ditch the phrases “son” and “daughter” this back-to-school season in the name of classroom equity.

“Use ‘child’ or ‘kid’ instead of ‘daughter’ or ‘son,’” reads an Inclusive Language for Families document published Wednesday on Facebook by the Vermont Department of Health.

The inclusive language guide is part of the department’s initiative for health equity, the central pillar of the state’s five-year strategic plan for health improvement.

Why doesn’t his surprise me in any way, shape or form? I figured it would reach this level of stupidity way back when ‘politically correct’ speech started being a thing, seeing it as a different name for 1984’s Newspeak. I’m sorry to see that I was right. Anyone pushing any of this, particularly in schools, needs to be fired for inflicting us with this divisive nonsense. They say it’s not offensive language, but I am thoroughly offended by the rape of our language and the logic behind language being replaced because of feelz.

Friggin’ morons.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where it’s the “last gasp” of summer, people are partying like it, and where this coming Monday is a holiday!