
It's Only Going To Get Worse

Every time I think it can’t get any worse I am proven wrong, particularly when it comes to political ads. As is always the case, the closer we get to the election in November the worse it’s going to get.

While the ads for the federal offices like President/Vice President, the House, and the Senate will get loud, often, and nasty even oftener, some of the state races are likely to get just as nasty.

While some of the ads I’ve seen for the two House races here in New Hampshire haven’t been all that numerous or loud, the ads for gubernatorial race here have gotten loud, endless, and mostly focus on one issue, one that I doubt I could care any less about than I already do. That issue?


The Democrats in New Hampshire are dumping millions into pro-abortion ads, slamming the GOP gubernatorial candidate, former NH Attorney General and former US Senator Kelly Ayotte, for her alleged stand on abortion. Just about every ad is about abortion, or a counter ad saying the Democrats are lying about her position(s) on abortion.

It seems the ads run at every commercial break, which means every 10 or 15 minutes. It’s annoying. It’s “All Abortion All The Time”, as if this is the only issue worth paying attention to during this election and that nothing else matters.

The Democrats are trying so hard to make this a single-issue election and in the process, pissing off a lot of people. I know it’s certainly pissing me off.

I have always had problems with single issue elections. I have an even a bigger problem with single issue voters as I find so many of them tend to be closeminded, or worse, uninformed and/or misinformed.

The only saving grace is that we only have to put up with it until November 5th.

The bad part of this is that we have to keep putting up with it until November 5th...and it can’t get here soon enough.

NOTE: I will state clearly that I don't like elective abortions. I never have. I have moral objections to it except under special circumstances. But is legal and as such protected under law. And that's all I'm going to say about it.