Today was the first day of arguments
about the constitutionality of Obamacare in front of the Supreme
Court. The entire thing comes down to whether the federal government
has the power to force its citizens to purchase goods and services
against their will. It is the individual mandate within Obamacare
that is attempting to do just that. The government contends that both
the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause within the
constitution give it just that power. Opponents claim they do not.
The best hope that we have is that the
Court decides the individual mandate is unconstitutional. If it does
not it opens the door to even more federal abuses as the government
will be forcing its citizens to engage in commerce or actions the
populace does not wish to do.
Should the Court decide in the federal
government's favor I expect there to be immediate calls for a
constitutional convention to address this issue as many of the states
will see even more if their sovereign powers being usurped by an even
more overreaching and uncaring socialist government. Or, worst case,
some states will see their very existence as separate sovereign
entities threatened and will secede from the Union, perhaps forming
their own nation. I expect a lot of states in the so-called “flyover
country” would be the first to threaten such action. I would like
to think that my own home state of New Hampshire would do likewise,
being the Live Free or Die state.