
Thoughts On A Sunday

Winter has been teasing us, giving us some snow, then having warmer than normal weather. We’re having a snow deficit, being about 11 inches shy of normal so far. There’s still about 4 weeks of winter left, at least according to the calendar, meaning there’s still plenty of time to make up for the deficit. Will Mother Nature provide the conditions and the precipitation to make up for the existing deficit? Only time will tell.

At least it’s been cold enough for the ski areas to make snow, so they haven’t been feeling the snow deficit as much as the cross-country trails and snowmobile clubs have.

While some will make the claim that it’s climate change caused by all of us evil humans, you’ll see other areas, some about 100 miles to the west, have seen either normal or above normal snowfall and below normal temperatures. That doesn’t say “climate change” to me. Instead that says “weather cycles”.


Adding on to my post from yesterday, I would have to say this is yet another aspect of the suborning of our election process and installing a self-anointed Progressive elite as our permanent government – Election by Lawfare. It’s just another version of the banana republic-style election process: arrest and jail any viable opposition candidates.

It also means there will be similar actions against companies and owners who the elites don’t like or will not fall in line with “The Narrative”. Think it won’t happen? Think again:

Worth noting, too, that the courts of New York (and Delaware, in going after Elon Musk) are sending a signal to businesses that they’re no longer trustworthy legal environments. And the politics of the moment aren’t important, because anyone can wind up targeted by the blob in the future. I suspect we’ll see a gradual move to other jurisdictions by many.

I have to wonder if we’ll see companies moving to more red states – maybe to Texas or one of the other 25 states supporting Texas?

Only time will tell.


Oh no! It looks like California’s megadrought has gotten much worse. It’s so bad in fact that it is now stealing water that would have fallen in the Northwest.

Two years ago, media outlets were headlining strident messages that California had moved into a “megadrought” and that there was little hope for relief.

Story after story claimed that global warming had permanently changed the situation and that California’s reservoirs would remain unfilled.

Fast forward two years and these apocalyptic warnings appear more like a rendition of chicken-little than reliable climate science.

Massive rainfall has hit the Golden State, while we in the Northwest are enjoying a warmer-than-normal winter with less snowpack than normal.

I feel so sorry for those folks in California living in the growing desert that is the Pyrite State.


Here is another take on the planned trucker’s boycott of New York City which is supposed to start tomorrow. The comments tell us what they’re thinking.


If we need any additional truth that Chicago is being run by malignant morons, then there’s this little tidbit about actions taken by Chicago’s government that will not work out the way Mayor Johnson thinks it will. I expect we’ll see even more crime, more shootings, and more homocides.

The city of Chicago is discontinuing the use of a gunshot detection technology service called ‘ShotSpotter’ this year. When questioned this week about what will take its place, Johnson suggested that there may be some emergency situations that could get a ‘non-police’ response.

This concept has disaster written all over it. Johnson singled out mental health emergencies as an example, but any law enforcement officer will tell you that these situations are dangerous because you never know what you’re walking into. Is the person armed? High on drugs or drunk?

All this will do is make the city less safe for the people. It’s exactly the wrong thing to do.

This has all the makings of the same disasters seen in other blue cities who defunded their police departments and suggested using ‘non-police’ responses for some calls. That hasn’t worked out the way city governments thought it would and they ended up with more crime, not less. Why does Chicago think they won’t suffer the same fate? It’s not like they’re trying anything any different from the others that have gone before. They’re insane as in “trying the same thing over and over again but expecting different results this time” kind of insane. How many Chicago residents will pay the price for yet another failed attempt at abandoning long-proven process and policies?

As Thomas Sowell said, “The past four five decades have seen things that work being replaced with things that sound good.” Yeah, they sound good, but they don’t work and the folks who pushed it will make excuses, probably the most common being “We didn’t try it hard enough.”

Sound familiar?


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where it’s been sunny and snowy at the same time, the lake is starting to freeze over...again, and where some of us have the day off tomorrow...and some us don’t.