
Thoughts On A Sunday

What a difference a day makes!

Yesterday was hot and humid, 88ºF and a 71ºF dew point, with afternoon showers and thundershowers.

Today has been more normal with temps in the 70’s and low humidity. The windows are open, the A/C is off, and there are no chances of precipitation over the next few days. I plan to make use of the weather and get out on the lake after work the next few days. With the weather we’ve been experiencing over the past two months, heading out onto the lake has been a non-starter as being out there during the rain or shower or thunderstorm is not a good idea. It is also not a good idea to be out on the lake on the few weekends when the weather was good because of all the Cap’n Boneheads out on the lake. Having to be hypervigilant all the time is tiring and under those circumstances boating is not an enjoyable experience.

One upside to all of the wet weather despite the high temps and humidity has been that no one is talking about drought.


As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I had thought about delving into the health problems linked to use of the mRNA Covid vaccines. Imagine my surprise when I see PJ Media beat me to it, though their post focuses primarily on what is being called “turbo cancers” rather than premature ovarian failure incidents I had come across.

I’m old enough to remember when the worst thing we had to worry about with mRNA vaccines was blood clots and myocarditis. Sadly, there’s a new concern with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: cancer.

According to a report, experts have observed a surge in cancer cases in people under 50, and it appears to exhibit distinct biological characteristics compared to cancers typically seen in older age groups.

While some experts believe that cancer rates have been increasing over the years due to factors such as lifestyle and diet, others believe the administration of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may have led to the emergence of what they call “turbo cancers.”

There is no official medical definition for the term “turbo cancer,” but it is commonly used in reference to aggressive, rapidly developing cancers that show resistance to standard treatments. Turbo cancers particularly affect young and otherwise healthy individuals who have received a COVID-19 vaccination. It presents late, at an advanced stage, and quickly becomes fatal. (Emphasis mine.)

It should come as no surprise that regulatory agencies in the United States have yet to address this issue.

Ironically, these cancers are being blamed on “missed screenings”, but how many young people are routinely screened for cancer? In general, none. Only those with a predilection for cancer such as those who previously had cancer are routinely screened.

Another concerning thing is that this is not just being seen in the US, but worldwide.

As expected, the government and public health officials are telling us “Nothing to see here! Move along! Move along!”


Another fallout from Covid – E-mails showing Fauci knew masks were ineffective against something like Covid but pushed their mandatory use anyway.

Former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci knew as early as October 2020 that masking was ineffective at preventing the transmission of Covid-19 after he read a Federalist article about it, emails obtained by the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) and shared with The Federalist reveal.

Despite showing awareness of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study — which showed a majority of Covid patients in the study became ill despite always wearing face coverings — and The Federalist’s reporting on it, Fauci published a paper weeks after the story that made no mention of masks’ shortcomings. In fact, for two more years, Fauci demanded universal masking and encouraged mandates requiring face coverings despite their uselessness.

Yet another thing to pin on Fauci.

How many deaths related to Covid are we going to be to lay at Fauci’s feet? If it wasn’t the untested vaccines, it was the lockdowns, the misguided ‘quarantines’, and knowingly misleading the public about the efficacy of masks, said masks causing problems of their own.


How does one define irony? We’ll let Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore explain:

The reason the oil & gas companies are rolling in $$ is the Net-Zero fantasy that has restricted fossil fuels and made a windfall for the fossil fuel companies, all at our expense, due to Greenhouse etc. policies. Wake up citizens, you’ve been conned.

— Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) July 27, 2023

And so it goes.

Moore is a big proponent of nuclear power, seeing it as one way to ensure carbon-free power in abundance while keeping the footprints of the power generation systems to a minimum. Wind and solar take up a lot land, causing the destruction of ecosystems that would have been better left alone and allowed it to continue sinking carbon from the atmosphere.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the weather has approved, people are out boating again, and where I don’t care if it’s going to be Monday again because I’m taking the day off.