
Thoughts On A Sunday

We’re back into the rain, with flash flood watches posted over last night and watches and warnings posted as of this morning as heavy rain makes it way through the area. On top of that, tornado warnings were posted in three southern counties this morning. We generally will see a tornado watch posted a couple of times during the summer and a warning posted maybe once every few years. But two tornado warnings at the same time is something I can not recall ever seeing in over 40 years of living here, let alone two three four on the same day.

The heavy rains are going to cause problems, not so much today as down the road. Lakes and ponds are full, with some being well above their nominal ‘full’ level. Even Lake Winnipesaukee is at least a half foot above full level and is expected to get even higher. If it does, I have no doubt the Marine Patrol will declare all 72 square miles of the lake one big “No Wake” zone. That will certainly make recreational boating problematic as no one will be allowed to go more than 6 MPH which will make travel to anywhere on the lake slow and lengthy. They won’t be able to lower the level of the lake until those downriver have had their levels lowered.

One thing I feel safe in saying about all the rain we’ve received over the past couple of months:

The drought up here in northern New England is definitely over.


Is SloJoe done?

There have been some reports that a number of top Democrats know Joe Biden will not run for a second term. Why this is a surprise puzzles me. Considering Biden’s continuing metal decline, there should be no question that SloJoe will be in no condition to campaign, let alone serve a second term in the unlikely scenario of him being re-elected.

The [CNN] report states that “top Democrats and donors” are having conversations with potential presidential candidates within the party because the pace of Biden’s apparent campaign is so slow.

The report cites “almost two dozen current Biden aides, top Democratic operatives and donors, and alumni of other recent campaigns,” who are concerned that “multiple big donors aren’t locking in,” and that “Grassroots emails are sometimes bringing in just a few thousand dollars.”

The piece adds that “Those who are placing the calls to the prospective Democrat candidates are telling them that despite what 80-year-old Biden has said, and despite launching his campaign, he actually will not run for president.”

As we highlighted earlier this week, even leftist shills for the Democrats are raging about how dodderingly foolish Biden is appearing on a daily basis.

WRBA can only go so far to prop up SloJoe and make him seem cogent and lucid. It will soon reach the point where it will be impossible to hide it any more. Biden certainly won’t be able to repeat the “Campaign From The Basement” as was pulled off in 2020.

That CNN is reporting this makes me wonder if “The Fix” is in. I have to wonder if SloJoe will even realize he isn’t running…


Since we’re on the topic of Joe Biden, there’s this:

Just how creepy is Joe Biden?

This creepy.

“Finland will never be the same.”


We’re at one weather extreme here in New England while Arizona is at another. Of the two, I’m not sure who’s getting the better end of the deal.


Is there anything that can’t be claimed to be racist?

Apparently not.

The latest “racist” thing?

Home security cameras.

Do you have a home security system? Well, gosh darn it, you are an evil white supremacist racist because a black guy might be arrested for breaking into your home.

According to Wired, home security systems do not make your property and family any safer, but they are used to “target certain groups for suspicion of crime based on skin color, ethnicity, religion, of the country of origin.”

Really? And here I thought that things like home security cameras just record and don’t make decisions whether or not to record based on anything. They record everything, period. How is any of that racist?

But wait! There’s more!

It’s also about vigilantes (which knows are racists) and how home security cameras turn homeowners with them into vigilantes. As one commenter wrote about the ‘stupid’ of this claim:

"Homeowners shouldn't be able to act as vigilantes"?

Sending something recorded on their property to the police isn't acting as a vigilante.

Hanging someone from a tree or street light or summarily executing them with a shot to the back of the head is acting like a vigilante. Beating someone for committing acts of violence against a neighbor is acting like a vigilante. Sending something recorded on their property to the local "Vigilance Committee" so they can administer street justice is acting like a vigilante.

Criminals need to be reminded that the police aren't there to protect the people from criminals. They are there to protect the criminals from the people who will exact a justice of their own.

It sounds more like they want to make it easier for criminals to commit and get away with criminal acts. But if law enforcement cannot act because of such stupidity, I expect the vigilantes the moron who made this claim is afraid of will do exactly what it is he/she/it is afraid they will do.

I guess this is also racist. But if everything is racist, then nothing is racist, right?


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the lake level is rising, the rain is still falling, and where we’ll be filling in the washouts on Monday.