
The 'Woke' Strike Again

Unless you have been avoiding social media in it’s entirety you may have heard about how some woke a**holes became offended about the new music video by Jason Aldean called Try That In A Small Town, claiming it’s racist. They went so far as to bully the CMT network into pulling the music video from its rotation because of it’s allegedly racist lyrics and images.

It is as one commenter to the video posted below wrote, “It seems the only people angry about the video are Guilty White Liberals and Angry White Female Liberals, both of which are usually ‘the racists in the room’.” Certainly the people on whose behalf these woke folk are being offended are wondering what the heck these idiots are talking about since they don’t see it as racist in any way shape or form.

It seems the woke are wearing out their welcome, ‘canceling’ people and companies they see as unworthy...though they are the only ones who believe that. The attack on Jason Aldean’s video as racist is yet another lie by these disingenuous and self-righteous busybodies with nothing better to do than make other people miserable, even those they are supposedly ‘helping’.