
Thoughts On A Sunday

For the first time in weeks we aren’t seeing rain on the weekend.

Friday afternoon and evening we were treated to a number of thundershowers, but since then it’s been sunny, warm, and dry. Even the smoky haze from the Canadian wildfires is gone...for now. I wish I could say I spent some time out on the lake, but one thing I try very hard to avoid is being out on the lake on weekends as there are so many people out there which makes it a less than pleasant experience. Most of my boating is restricted to the week, usually late in the day after work. However, this year it seems to have been raining or threatening rain every afternoon I tried to head out on the lake. As such, I have made it out onto the lake only twice since the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout was put in the water back in May. That’s pretty pathetic.

Still, compared to other parts of the US, we’ve had it easy. Friends in Florida have been dealing with triple-digit temps and to hear it from the “We’re all gonna DIE!” media hysteria, people will burst into flames should they venture outside. (Yes, a bit of hyperbole, but it sounds like something they would do.)

On the other hand it is summer and we’re also dealing with El Nino, or in this case, a ‘super’ El Nino. From what I’ve seen on some sites elsewhere, this weather isn’t unprecedented, the world having experienced something like this back in the 1930’s. (Does the term “Dust Bowl” ring a bell?)


Just when the media is telling us we’re seeing unprecedented temperatures this summer, temperatures we’ve never seen before, an article from Real Clear Science calls such media claims “Unprecedented Propaganda”, and with good reason. A number images and one chart in the RCS piece present historical temperature data up to present day and show the unprecedented temperatures aren’t unprecedented at all.

This chart shows an interesting view of the percentage of US reporting temperatures above 95ºF:

The above isn’t something I would have expected. One does have to keep in mind that we’re still in the middle of summer so I expect we’ll see more stations reporting 95ºF+ temps before the summer is over.

Keeping in mind the same caveat, here’s a graphic showing US station locations seeing temperatures above 100ºF and 110ºF so far this year:

The following graphic shows the same type of data, but for the year 1936:

This shows that those “unprecedented” temperatures the media is crowing about aren’t so unprecedented after all. But they do fit the narrative they’re selling.


My first thought upon reading this was “What a bunch of crybabies!”

What is “this”?

74 percent of college students would report professors for saying something offensive.

The problem is that college students, particularly ‘woke’ students, are so easily offended by the littlest thing these days. Trivial things are blown so out of proportion that the offended student sounds deranged, yet the college administration is likely to sanction the professor. Instead, the administration should be telling these snowflakes “Grow up, you wuss!!”.


It seems some people are never satisfied, even when it comes to history. The latest target of such dissatisfaction is the movie Oppenheimer, the history of J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project.

It seems one feminist academic has criticized the film because no women speak until 20 minutes into the film. Considering the actual Manhattan Project personnel were primarily white men 50 years of age or older, why would a women’s speaking role matter?

Another complaint from the same feminist academic: “No people of color appear for at least 30 minutes, and I believe there are 2 black men in the entire movie.” So? How many ‘people of color’ were directly involved in the Manhattan Project, particularly at the Los Alamos site?

Oh, we should also add the Indians as yet another group being ‘victimized’ by the movie.

As the main article states, “Apparently, the race to be victimized by ‘Oppenheimer’ is on.”


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the weather is nice for a change, the A/C is off, and where I wish Monday wasn’t coming again so soon.