I had a discussion about gun control with both the younger and older WP Sisters today, with their take that “No one needs an AR-15.” My response was “That’s OK. I don’t have one. I have an AR-10.” They didn’t like that answer.
They are under the mistaken impression that if AR-15’s were confiscated from all of the law-abiding citizens in the US that shootings committed with AR-15’s would end.
One of them insisted that if all of the AR15’s owned by law-abiding citizens were stored at gun ranges that would also be a way to prevent miscreants from using AR-15’s to shoot people. This is also a false assumption.
Criminals and crazy people don’t follow the law. Illegal guns are already easy to obtain, just like illicit drugs. How many gang-bangers and other criminals use fully automatic weapons, weapons that are not readily available to law-abiding citizens? Too many to count.
Another argument I put forward was that automobiles kill more people than guns. Using their logic law-abiding drivers should get off and stay off the roads because of the number of people killed in accidents every year. The younger WP Sister insisted it wasn’t the same thing. I countered her by reminding her driving is a privilege, not a right, while keeping and bearing arms is a Right, enumerated in both the US and most state constitutions. Her counter was that driving is convenient. My response to that was that it doesn’t make any difference, cars still kill and maim people and that convenience is not an excuse.
They just don’t get it.