If all goes well, The Boat will be back into the water next Saturday and I’ll spend part of the weekend performing a shakedown to make sure everything is good to go for the boating season.
It’s a burden, but someone has to do it, right?
The more I watch the whole ‘Everything is Racist’ meme being pushed down everyone’s throats, the more I have to agree with Thomas Sowell’s take on the issue:
Racism is not dead, but it is on life support – kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as “racists”.One commenter put it succinctly:
Racism - The Duct tape of the Democrat Party and its' minions.I wish I could take that as a tongue-in-cheek comment, but these days it seems more likely to be true.
They try to use it to fix everything ...
Having traveled quite a bit during the earlier years of my career, I have seen actual racism, I have experienced racism directed towards me, and I have seen ‘institutionalized’ and legally codified racism in action. The US has not been a racist nation for generations, but it seems the Progressive forces are working hard to make it one again as a means of dividing everyone. (No, I am not saying there aren’t racists in this country. There are racists here...of all colors and ethnic backgrounds. To think that one race can be racist is either self-delusion or is being pushed by the aforementioned race hustlers.)
Climate policy is being driven by climate models, models that have been proven again and again to be erroneous, with actual data showing the models do not reflect reality. Yet those mismatches are either denigrated or ignored outright. This can have political consequences, not to say economic consequences if the models are taken as gospel and the data is ignored because it goes against climate catastrophe doctrine.
The wrong actions will be pushed as a means of mitigating climate change that may not be caused by humans, actions that may have little or no effect on climate. Even the “We’re-All-Gonna-DIE-If-We-Don’t-Do-Something” true believers choose to ignore that the models upon which they depend show even the most extreme actions taken to ‘fix’ the climate will have little effect, yet they still push them for all they’re worth.
That begs the question, are they pushing ‘climate-saving’ actions to ‘Save the Earth’ or are they doing so to garner more control over the human population? To me, it seems it is more the latter than the former, seeing how the data isn’t backing up their sacrosanct models.
How many times have we heard the phrase “Your rights end where my nose begins”? How many times have any of us said that in one form or another? I know of at least one person who is basically saying this regarding Covid and those who are using their fear to abrogate our rights.
Writes Skip Murphy:
Frankly, I’m exhausted about having to always think about the Collective before MY outlook can be considered and I’m angry that too many people demand that they are allowed to place obligations upon me without my assent – so neither is going to happen anymore.I have to agree with Skip that if you do not want to take the vaccine, that’s your decision and we’ll respect it. But that decision does not obligate those of us who have received Covid vaccinations to go out of our way to protect you. This will be particularly true if a large percentage of the people are vaccinated. At some point it is those unvaccinated by choice who are obligated to protect themselves from exposure, to take the needed precautions. It is not up to the rest of us. They have the right to be unvaccinated, but the do not have the right to demand that we give up our rights because of their fears. Their rights end where my nose begins, period.
I’m vaccinated and I started to refuse to wear a mask a long time ago in most cases. This kabuki theater has gone on too long – and the Powers That Be...can’t get their stories straight.
The masks work.Yeah, Up Yours.
Oh, the masks don’t work, get the vaccine, it works.
Oh, the vaccines don’t work 100% of the time so put a mask on anyway.
In fact, Masks Forever!
Folks...DEMAND that I have an obligation to others in this regard – their unrealized problem is that they’ve tried to bring that message home with sledgehammers far too often and want to make it permanent. They are, knowingly or unknowingly, are using the notion that the Collective outside of oneself is the UTMOST obligation you can have – YOU must keep ME safe.
No, YOU keep YOU safe. As I have told the detestable Moms Demand Action gun-grabbers during testimony in front a NH House Committee, my Rights don’t stop at your fears, they TRUMP your fears.
Chicks On The Right writes about the disastrous April Jobs Report and the part government handouts have been playing in this issue.
If the Feddle Gummint keeps rewarding otherwise employable people for not working, they’re not going to look for work. Some states have already cut back on the extra unemployment benefits, noting a lot of jobs are going wanting for people to fill them. Paying people to stay out of work made no sense, so doing away with the extra unemployment ‘stipend’ supplied by the Feds would certainly motivate those collecting unemployment benefits to go out and fill the open jobs.
The New York Times has gone so far to the Left they have all but disappeared from view. Their latest outrage?
Telling us we should all bathe less often in order to prevent climate change.
Now they’ve gone too damn far.
While the point was made that many of us working from home weren’t showering daily while working from home, it had nothing to do with ‘saving’ the climate. In many cases some of us didn’t because we weren’t going anywhere or seeing anyone and we hadn’t done any heavy physical work that would have meant we needed to shower at the end of the day. But now that things are almost back to normal, I don’t want to see us returning to the Age of Lice because the New York Times thinks it would be good for the climate (but bad for us). (The Age of Lice was a period in the Eighteenth Century when the nobles in Europe didn’t bathe, but used powders and perfumes to cover their body odor. They were also infested with lice, hence the ‘Age of Lice’.)
The Times needs to suffer under it’s ‘suggestion’. That’s assuming of course their staffers haven’t already dialed back on their bathing.
And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where more boats appear on the lake every day, summer is fast approaching, and where Mondays are starting to feel like the movie Groundhog Day every time it comes around.