In case you’ve noticed, posting has been a little sparse.
Much of it can be attributed to preparations for Christmas. Another part can be
attributed to the end of the year push at work.
Between people trying hard to make it home for Christmas and
the last minute shoppers crowding the stores, as well as inclement weather,
traffic has been heavy, making it difficult to get around.
Earlier this week an incident made it even more difficult to
get around. I wish I could say I was doing some manly task that caused my
injury. But I was merely bending over to put ice cleats on my boots in
preparation for spreading sand and ice melt at the bottom of our driveway.
As I started slipping the cleats on to my right boot, there
was a cracking sound and intense pain in my left knee. I had just ruptured the quadriceps
tendon. One fortunate thing – the pain dropped off to a dull ache after a few
minutes. The bad thing – I will have restricted mobility for the next few
months. That means not being able to clear the snow from our driveway, move
firewood from the garage to the woodbox in the living room, and in general
being relegated to a semi-invalid status. It also means making alternate
arrangements to get things done.
And how is your Christmas going?