
On Its Way

The first half of the new Weekend Pundit Official Main Computer arrived earlier in the week, that being the new LCD monitor. I wasted no time removing the old 19” CRT and replacing it with the new monitor. It was far better than I had thought it would be, with even illumination and crisp, clear images.

Poor Minnie misses the old monitor as she is used to jumping up on top of it and keeping warm from the heat generated by it. Imagine her surprise when she tried to jump up on the new monitor and there was nothing but thin air behind the screen!

A check just a few minutes ago on the FedEx tracking website shows the second half of the new Weekend Pundit Official Main Computer has made its way all the way from El Paso, Texas to Willington, Connecticut in four days and is presently on it's way to a FedEx facility closer to The Manse. With the holiday intruding upon normal business hours, it looks like FedEx's estimated delivery date will be correct, which means it should arrive here shortly after Labor Day.

Woo hoo!!