
Thoughts On A Sunday

It’s been a busy weekend, between getting the boat ready to go back into the water, dealing with new computer stuff, seemingly never-ending spring cleaning, and having family up to help celebrate Mother’s Day today. At least the weather has been cooperative, with only a few light showers popping up here and there which didn’t affect anything we were doing.

Hopefully the boating season will be much better than last year’s, meaning there will actually be one. Last year’s was almost non-existent, and what there was mostly took place after Labor Day weekend. With a small bit of work left over to complete before we launch, I’m hoping to get the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout into the water by Wednesday afternoon.

There’s also been last minute computer tweaking to make sure the two new Official Weekend Pundit miniPCs will work without any hiccups. There’s still data that needs to be moved from the old computers to the new ones, and then re-staging the old computers for new use. (The old computers are a little slow, but still serviceable.)

Winter stuff – linens (flannel sheets and quilts), clothing, hats, coats, and boots – have been packed away and put in the attic as the summer stuff has been pulled out to replace it.


Hmm. It seems the Fulton County, GA case against Trump may have suffered yet another blow. In this case it looks like allegations of fraud might be true as it was found that 3000 ballots were counted twice during the election recount in 2020.

And to top it off it has also been found that “380,761 ballot images from machine count were ‘not available’.”

Yeah, nothing suspicious there. Nothing at all.


While some will say that Kristi Noem’s chances for the VP slot in the upcoming election are close to zero because of her hunting dog kerfuffle, others say she did nothing wrong. (Frankly, I would have shot that dog, too.) It doesn’t mean she’s out of the running, but I think it makes her less likeable as a VP candidate.

Another possible VP contender, Doug Burgum, governor of North Dakota, has been making the rounds, with his latest appearance at the Trump rally in New Jersey yesterday.

While he ran for the GOP nomination, dropping out before the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary, he did make an impression on a number of people, me included. While I thought he would be a good candidate taking into account his record, both as governor and a businessman, he wasn’t really all that well known, something that worked against him. However, others have a different view of his aborted Presidential run.

It's almost as if Burgum entered the presidential race to make a play for vice president. It's not unheard of, of course. He may have believed that even a failed run for the White House would raise his profile enough to be considered.

What Trump is looking for is someone who won't upstage him. And it helps Burgum immensely that he's a very rich man with a lot of rich friends to help with badly needed fundraising.


Burgum told the 100,000 Trump supporters in attendance that working with Trump was "like having a beautiful breeze at your back."

"President Trump respects state’s rights. He cut regulation. He lowered taxes," Burgum said. "Working under the Biden regulatory regime is like having a gale-force wind in your face."

Burgum, a self-made multimillionaire, also understands how the economy works, how to run a business, and understands the burdens of heavy taxation and government overregulation.

I think he would make a good running mate for Trump. It would also help him if he decides to run for President in 2028 after Trump terms out.


The Climate Change Cultists keep telling us we’re seeing the “hottest temperatures evah”! But it seems they’ve chosen to ignore what the climate was like 9,000 years ago.

Ice cores and sediment layers have told us that temperatures were higher 9,000 years ago than they are now, something that doesn’t fit the narrative, so must be ignored. If not possible, then it must be discredited.

But then how do they explain this?

Bones in a cave inside the Arctic circle show that the world was hotter, the climate is always changing, and life adapts very well.

A special cave in far northern Norway has a a trove of thousands of old bones. They are deposited in layers that stretch back from 5,800 years ago to 13,000 years ago. And it’s been a radical change: at the start, the cave was submerged under the ocean, so the bones are mostly marine species. But a few thousand years later the weather was warm, and birds and mammals had moved in. By 6,000 years ago the researchers estimate it was the hottest part of the Holocene and 1.5°–2.4°C warmer than the modern era of 1961–1990.

After that, the cave was blocked by scree, and the bone fragments sat there seemingly undisturbed for nearly 6,000 years while the ice sheets moved and the Vikings came and went and the world cooled. Then in 1993 someone happened to build a road nearby and found the cave. Now a team have analyzed the DNA in the layers and discovered that far from being an ecological disaster, when the Earth was hotter the Arctic must have been full of life. They found lemmings, shrews, voles, hares, geese, frogs, seals, and pheasants. They were also surprised to find dogs and cats there, even though there were no humans at the time (that we know of). The DNA test couldn’t distinguish whether these were our domesticated furry friends or their wild cousins. In any case, there were species that lived there then, that don’t live there now because it’s too cold.

I expect cultists’ heads will be exploding.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee where the weather has been cooperating, where we survived another Mother’s Day, and where Monday is returning yet again to ruin yet another weekend.