
Getting Tired Of It

After listening to the various national news media salivating over the news of yet another Trump indictment, I find I have reached the point that I really don’t care. It’s looking like most Americans have reached that point, too.

If one looks at the history of the Democrat Party’s war on Trump it looks something like this:

2016: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Nothing

2017: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Nada

2018: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Nuttin’

2019: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Zip

2020: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Zilch

2021: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Zero

2022: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Bupkis

2023: “We’ve got the dirt on Trump! We’ve got him now! He’s going down!” Result: Buffering…..

I have a feeling the last one will be the same.

I am not the only one getting tired of this endless, but in the end, meaningless and time wasting drama. It seems the Democrats have no other plan when it comes to countering Trump and, as Stacy McCain tells us, they’re doing so without regard for consequences.

Notice how Collinson pretends that all of this was Trump’s fault, as if nobody else involved — Attorney General Merrick Garland or Special Counsel Jack Smith — had any choice or discretion in the matter. No, they had to indict Trump. Because Trump “forced the country over this dangerous threshold,” which I suppose is pretty much how the Roundheads explained themselves after they beheaded King Charles I: “We had no choice! He made us do it!” The Roundheads then set up a “Republic” far more tyrannical than anything Charles ever did, much the same as those later regicides in France imposed a tyranny more brutal and repressive than the monarchy of Louis XVI, and likewise the Bolsheviks were infinitely worse than Czar Nicholas.

One might notice a historical pattern here, and then — since we’re speaking of ominous auguries — contemplate America’s future once Our Leaders save us from Trump’s alleged threat to “subvert democracy.”

Santayana warned everyone that “those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” If this keeps up there will be no way for us to vote our way out of this incipient tyranny and it will be American citizens who will be forced to take up arms against a tyrannical government, but this time against a domestic tyrannical government rather than one across the Atlantic Ocean. Heaven help us all if that were to come about.