
The Continuing Politicization Of The Justice System

I have been seeing the coverage of Trump’s indictment, the commentary on TV, the various tweets and web posts, all of the “Yeah, we got him now!” and “The Dems have no idea what they’ve unleashed!” opinion pieces in the papers and on the blogs. I’ve read a lot of legal opinions from lawyers and legal pundits about the Manhattan DA’s actions (as well as his increasing inaction against violent criminals in his part of New York City).

It seems DA Bragg has gone out of his way to spin what was at best a misdemeanor into a felony, has ignored the statute of limitations, has withheld exculpatory evidence, while the media ignores a felonious misdeeds of both previous and present presidents and some of their associates that would have gotten anyone else thrown into a federal prison, particularly Republican anyone elses in government as well as average citizens.

The justice system has been increasingly politicized, is being pushed away from the restrictions of the Constitution as well as the enumerated Rights, trying to suborn federal and state laws by redefining them to mean something other than their original meaning, suborning the legislative process. The push to criminalize things that aren’t criminal, that are protected by the Constitution, and doing so for purely political reasons as a means of suppressing political opponents, be they individuals or groups, is the mark of an increasingly intolerant, oppressive tyrannical ruling class.

Is the Trump indictment a purely political move? In my opinion, it is. ‘They’, the Democrat/Progressive elites, will do everything they can get away with to maintain power by destroying Trump. It’s a gamble since it could easily backfire on them. To quote Obi Wan Kenobe “If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can imagine.”

I do have to wonder if Trump is convicted an appeal will make its way to the Supreme Court, citing the flaws in the case, the ‘rewriting’ of laws that turned a misdemeanor into a felony sans any legislative action, willfully ignoring the statute of limitations, as well as prosecutorial misconduct and malicious prosecution.

And so the circus begins.