I also had a chat with Katy as she finished out her day, too. She did tell me she was glad she was home where it was warmer than here. Despite her Scandinavian heritage she doesn’t particularly care for the really cold weather while I tend to revel in it.
All in all it was a busy day and I got most of my chores done. Just a few more to take care of today.
Is it just me or does it seem more Democrats are finding their party has devolved into something they find scary, abhorrent, and no longer represents their ideals? I know a few of my Democrat friends aren’t liking what they’re seeing, particularly in the White House. Their trust in the party they grew up with has been eroding as they’ve seen it changing into something unrecognizable, something that pushes agendas and ideologies that in no way reflect their beliefs.
You know it’s getting bad when even the media that normally dotes on the DNC has been hitting the party with truth bombs and criticizing some of its actions. Goodness knows we’ve been seeing the results of Democrat policies at federal, state and local levels and it hasn’t been good.
Define ‘irony’.
How about “Joe Biden is everything the Democrats feared about Trump.” (Paywalled link)
I can remember Trump’s critics making all kinds of accusations about what a Trump presidency would look like. We were warned that he wasn’t disciplined enough, presidential enough, or competent enough to be president.Seems everything they said Trump was going to do has been committed by the Biden Administration instead. But what do we hear from the media about any of this?
The left also predicted that Donald Trump’s election would result in a massive rollback of women’s rights. A “Women’s March on Washington” was even held the day after his inauguration.
Women never became second-class citizens under Trump, but under Biden, women are literally being erased.
Trump’s critics also claimed he’d start a war.
Trump was accused of putting our nation on a warpath with Iran, North Korea, and China. Some said another Civil War was likely under Trump. Some even said he’d plunge us into World War III. Rest assured, none of those things happened.
In the end, Trump was the first president since Jimmy Carter not to enter U.S. troops into a new conflict.
Absolutely nothing.
It seems the administration of Dartmouth College is under the control of the local chapter of the Brown Shirts..er..antifa, using online ‘threats’ made by antifa as a reason to cancel a lecture by journalist Andy Ngo.
Ngo was going to be speaking about “Extremism in America, A Discussion on Antifa”.
What’s ironic is that antifa’s actions and Dartmouth’s administration caving to them proved the subject of Ngo’s program. Another bit of irony:
We spoke to some members of the police during and after the event, and they took it as a personal insult that Dartmouth cited safety concerns as a reason for canceling the in-person. We had State Troopers, Hanover Police officers, and SWAT members in and around the building. Moore Hall may have been the safest place in all of New Hampshire. They would never allow things to spiral out of control and (according to multiple officers privately) never expressly advised Dartmouth to cancel the in-person event.Despite a heavy police presence, the Dartmouth administration caved to a bunch of fascist wannabes?
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Thus spake The Won about his Veep.
Looking back on the past 12 months, we can see that if anything, Obama was understating that truth. Certainly Mike Taibbi is seeing that.
How great was life for Joe Biden a year ago? MSNBC’s John Heilemann compared him to Lincoln; PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor said the return of the Democrats “felt like we are being rescued from the craziness and now here are the superheroes to come and save us all”; Rachel Maddow went through “half a box of Kleenex” in joy; even Chris Wallace on Fox said Biden’s half-coherent inauguration speech was “the best inaugural address I ever heard,” JFK’s iconic “Ask Not” included.I can’t tell if SloJo’s deterioration is accelerating, but then he’s not making nearly as many public appearances and those he does make are carefully scripted and controlled (for the most part). He (or WRBA) has certainly caused a lot of damage in the 12 months since he took office – skyrocketing energy prices, shortages of all kinds of goods, inflation to a level we haven’t seen since the Bad Old Days of 1970’s stagflation, and attempts to get around the Constitution as a means of forcing the American people to do things they don’t want nor or obligated to do. Every bit of it is self-inflicted by the Biden Administration along with the collusion of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Biden looks bad. During the campaign, when he was challenging strangers to pushup contests and doing sternum-pokes in crowds while nervous aides bit their lips, you could make the argument he was merely in steep mental decline, which was okay. Against Trump the standard of “technically alive” worked for a lot of voters. Biden now looks like a man deep into the peeing-on-houseplants stage, and every appearance is an adventure.
And that’s the news from the frozen over Lake Winnipesaukee, where the temps are still in the single digits, we’ve dodged another snowstorm...for now, and where we’re still chopping away at the accumulated ice and snow to make room for more.