We were in the middle of a classic Nor’easter with high winds and heavy snowfall. The Weather GuysTM had been hyping the storm all week, even before the storm had formed. The TV stations have been using their ominous sounding “Storm Center” music for every report even loosely connected to the storm.
Both Katy and I made preparations at our respective homes, making sure we had fuel for our generators, chain saws, and snowblower (in her case), as well as snow-shovels, ice melt and sand. And then there were the storm munchies since it has been our plan to watch the storm from the warmth and safety of our homes. However, I know that sometimes that doesn’t always happen and the need to go out during the storm might come about. So the trusty RAM 1500 had a full tank and a spare gas caddy with 14 gallons of gas (separate from the one for the generator). I also dug out the tire chains and made sure they were stowed in the truck as well as a shovel, a bucket of sand, two towing straps, and a blanket. I also checked the tool kit to make sure all the tools were present.
The snow started to fall here at The Gulch just after 7:30 in the morning. One had to look carefully to see that it was falling at all.
Since The Gulch is protected on three sides by hills we usually don’t get the winds experienced by others which means we generally won’t see as nearly as much drifting snow as more open terrain, even with a Nor’easter. It makes cleanup easier for two reason – fewer snow drifts and decreased wind chill. It was around 15ºF when the snow started, but the temps dropped as the storm intensified. The wind chills outside the area of The Gulch ran between -7ºF and -25ºF during the storm. Temps overnight were expected to be close 0ºF which will make cleanup more uncomfortable. (Yes, I dug out last night to make sure the trusty RAM 1500 could get out should there have been a need.)
I did head out this morning to complete digging out. Fortunately there wasn’t nearly as much to do as there was last night, with the most difficult part being digging out the bed of the trusty RAM 1500. There was maybe 10 inches of snow in the bed and I am going to assume that’s about how much we got here at The Gulch.
This is what the neighborhood at The Gulch looked like after the clean up:
So ends yet another Nor’easter.