
Is Mental Illness Is Just Another Path To Victimhood?

I came across this about mental illness over at Instapundit and I have to say it immediately had me nodding my head as I had to agree with the premise, that being mental illness is more prevalent today than in the past, and that too many people their mental illness “is an important part of [their] identity.” As I saw in the comments:

My generation grew up looking for frogs and sh*t.

Your generation grew up looking for a WiFi signal.

We are not the same.

I have to think that might have had something to do with it. And then there’s this:

Boomers were free-range children, outside in the sunlight.

The youth today are over scheduled and inside too much.

I have to wonder if mental illness is just another way for some people to claim victimhood, perhaps as a means of not having to grow up and be an adult.