
Something To Keep In Mind Come November

I still have my regular Saturday post in the works, but when I came across the following over at Instapundit, I knew I had to add it here, "it" being the this:

Donald Trump had Iran broke.

Joe Biden gave the Iran Regime hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief, credit and cash.

Iran is now attacking Israel with Joe Biden’s money.

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) April 13, 2024

I’m getting angrier every hour with the Biden Administration.

They’ve ushered in multiple wars. They did this!

They must not just be defeated in November – they must be shown a humiliating defeat so that no Democrat ever supports radical Left policies.

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) April 13, 2024

It seems the Democrats are good at getting us involved in wars, directly or indirectly...and then abandoning the people we were helping (Afghanistan).

This pisses me off to no end.