
Thoughts On A Sunday

Here it is, the last TOAS of 2023 and the last post of 2023, period.

2023 can’t end soon enough for me as it has been a year that has seen numerous ups and downs, with the downs outnumbering the ups.

We see a government here in the US that shows nothing but contempt for the country it runs, has abandoned American ideals, abandoned the Constitution and the law, has devolved into a banana republic, and is working hard to destroy the middle class.

We see people trying to force a large majority of the American people into feeding the delusions of people who need psychiatric help, trying to force us to use pronouns that are absolute nonsense, trying to force us to believe there are 57+ genders, and trying to sell the idea that the only way to fight racism is to practice institutional racism and discrimination, aka DEI.

As we approach the end of 2023 it looks like many of those targeted for all of these things are saying “Enough! No more! We will no longer hear your words or bow to your demands! Go Away!!”

The American people are also ignoring the ill-informed and draconian push to EVs which have turned out to be even more dangerous and harmful to the environment than fossil-fueled vehicles, and which ignore certain truths with the biggest ones being no one wants them, no one can afford them, and that there isn’t anywhere near the needed capacity of the electrical grid to support them.

I’d like to think all that nonsense will come to an end in 2024. I really would…

...but I don’t think it will. I expect it to get even worse over the next year, particularly in light of the upcoming elections next November.


If Trump can be removed from the ballot based upon an allegation under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment under the Democrat New Rules, then by those same rules Biden should be removed from the ballot under the 25th Amendment as he is not and hasn’t been mentally competent since before he became *Resident.

I can support that.


Oh, no! Russia is turning into America! Say it ain’t so!!


Why doesn’t this surprise me?

According to Don Surber it turns out that conservatives were right about DEI all along.

Diversity, equity and inclusion just got a punch in the eye because it is not diverse, equitable or inclusive; only socialists need apply. DEI uses women, blacks, gays and the rest as human shields for the terrible policies and programs they wish to impose on us.

Harvard’s Claudine Gay represents DEI — which is affirmative action on steroids — perfectly. She is a plagiarist who also fudges data in her work. Fortunately, she is lazy which reduced her production of bad scholarship. She also is inexperienced. Harvard hired her only because it wanted to brag that it had its first black woman president.

Zakaria was not done.

He said, “Out of this culture of diversity has grown the collection of ideas and practices that we have now all heard of—safe spaces, trigger warnings and microaggressions.”

He said schools have instituted speech codes “that make it a violation of university rules to say things that some groups might find offensive. Universities advise students not to speak, act, even dress in ways that might cause offense to some minority groups.”

DEI was nothing more than Critical Race Theory renamed, an excuse to ‘fight’ racism by employing racism, discrimination, and exclusion as a means of ‘eliminating’ racism, discrimination, and exclusion. Free speech? Gone. Innocent until proven guilty? That’s so passe. Equality? Yeah...right.


I knew this was coming. I think everyone knew this was coming.

First, they came for our washing machines. Then they came for our dishwashers. Then our gas stoves. Then our ceiling fans. Now they’re coming for our refrigerators and freezers. And while doing so they’ll be overloading our declining electrical grid.

Biden seeks to take our gas stoves, ceiling fans but now he’s going for even more. The key aspect of his new rules is in this summary Fox News lifted from a remark made by Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Ben Lieberman (emphasis mine):

In addition to potentially increasing upfront costs for consumers purchasing new appliances, Lieberman said the new efficiency standards may harm product performance. For example, he said new standards for dishwashers have led to cycles taking as much as twice as long to finish.

I can attest to that. We had to replace the dishwasher here at The Gulch a little over a year ago and the new on takes almost 3-and-a-half hours to go through a wash/dry cycle. The old one took a little over an hour and 20 minutes. At one point I measured the power draw for the new dishwasher and compared to the old one it draws about 20 percent less power...but it runs for more than twice as long which means in the end it uses more electricity than my old ‘inefficient’ dishwasher. How is that better?

Appliances take twice as long to finish cleaning will not only result in straining the electric grid but also leave dishes and utensils unclean but can also more easily contribute to the spread of sickness. Even food held in refrigerators subjected to the new regulations can spoil more easily costing consumers even more money. This on top of the increased cost of being able to purchase one.

With this in mind, one can only conclude that the Biden White House prefers that we go back to the days of ice deliveries like what occurred before refrigerators and freezers were invented along with weekly or even daily food deliveries resulting from consumers not wanting to have to deal with food storage since it could waste so quickly.

Regardless of their intentions, the end goal of these environmental rules is to do nothing more than not only destroy home appliance manufacturing but to revert people (other than the elites) to a state of primitivism where we will live miserable, undernourished lives. This is largely why Kamala Harris poses with a gas stove, shows off what her Christmas dinner is while other elitists (like Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Joe Biden) own beachfront properties despite warnings about oceanic sea rise while urging people to cut back on their lifestyles.

Well, we’ve known for some time they have wanted to lower everyone not “Them” to the lowest common denominator – poverty, want, fear, and hunger – and this is one way to do it. Oh, they’ll tell us “It’s for your own good”, but they don’t mean it.

I also have to ask this: Why are we destroying ourselves trying to offset the massively increased carbon dioxide emissions of China? The US has reduced its CO2 considerably, but our alleged betters say we must do more...while China laughs at us and our ‘betters’.

I think we should stop going to such lengths to reduce our emissions one more iota until China does so...and then only when they catch up to us. Otherwise we maintain the status quo...except that we start building new Generation IV nuclear power plants nationwide.


Now that the new year is upon us it will be time to take down our old calendars and put up our new ones. Here’s one I like:

Click on image to embiggen


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where Ice In looks to be at least a month away, there is little if any snow on the ground, and where we’re glad to soon see 2023 in the rear view mirror.