
The Progressive Censors Have Struck Again

As bad as it’s gotten on YouTube when it comes to either demonetizing or ‘disappearing’ various YouTube channels, I found out this morning that a pro-Ukraine channel, Warthog Defense, has been disappeared by YouTube with no warning.

The channel has provided a lot of first hand accounts and videos of military actions taking place in Ukraine and Russia as well as preparations being made by Poland, Estonia, and Finland as Russia increases its saber-rattling and veiled threats via its propagandists. It has been one of the only unfiltered sources of war news.

YouTube made two entirely different claims for why they deleted the channel, neither of which makes any sense.

The first claim YouTube made was that Warthog Defense was an “imposter” channel, meaning it was posing as another legitimate YouTube channel. However Warthog Defense has existed on YouTube for years and YouTube would not/could not tell them where to find the “other” Warthog Defense.

The second claim was that they were providing misinformation despite the fact that all of their source material regarding Ukraine came from Ukrainian military sources, Warthog Defense correspondents in the field, and other sources such as UK Ministry of Defense, NATO, and other military and civilian sources. If that is “misinformation” then what is considered legitimate information, newsfeeds from TASS, Izvestia, Russia Times, MSNBC, CNN, and other Progressive propaganda media operations?

It appears so. It could be why more channels/content providers are abandoning YouTube for other providers like BitChute and Rumble, just to name two of the free services, and others like Locals.com and Vimeo.

And so it goes in our increasingly totalitarian state.