
Not The Grinch

Just what we need – Yet another ‘story’ about Elon Musk, this time about ‘firing’ janitors at Twitter. What’s worse is the narrative that he did so just before Christmas.

The problem with the story?

It’s not true.

Musk did decide to cancel the contract with the janitorial service after a number of janitors went on strike after being informed of upcoming job cuts. I can see the need for fewer janitors considering there aren’t nearly as many people employed at Twitter after Musk cut the ‘fat’. My employer cut back on janitorial services when we reduced staff at our location, with cleanings cut back from two times a week over the whole building to once a week in just the portion of the building we were occupying. That required a lot less personnel to get the job done...just like at Twitter.

No one is guaranteed a job, even union jobs. I speak from experience, having been a union member in my youth. Just because you’re a union member doesn’t mean you’re immune from layoffs. It usually means the most junior employees are laid off first.

Depending upon the terms of the contract, and specifically a termination clause, Musk may have had every right to so without advanced notice. Because the contract was canceled, those working under the contract would have lost their jobs at Twitter, but not necessarily at the janitorial service. In this case it depends upon the terms of union contract with the janitorial service.

Is Elon Musk the Grinch who stole Christmas, or did the union janitors bite off more than they could chew and Musk called their bluff?