The old-fashioned ways of meeting someone have faded away to be replaced by dating apps like, Tinder, Bumble, FarmersOnly, and a host of others. The problem with so many of them is that they have devolved from dating apps to ‘hook-up’ apps for sexual assignations.I am not the only one that has noticed this.
My own son has had direct exposure to this with one app he tried a couple of years ago, deleting his profile from the site and the app from his phone after a number of disappointing experiences. This brings me to something I saw from Jordan Peterson.
He delves into the “dating app world” and how it is a toxic environment that should be avoided by those looking for possible romantic partners. He also gets into how it twists people’s perceptions and their psyches and makes it less likely they will form lasting relationships with anyone.
Here’s what Dr. Peterson has to say about the topic:
If what a fraction of what Peterson says is accurate, it certainly explains how relationships between younger men and women have been deteriorating, if they start at all, and one reason why.