
This Is The Real Reason Our Gas Prices Are So High And Will Continue To Go Up

We keep hearing all kinds of reasons from WRBA why gas prices have risen so dramatically. But we never hear the real cause of the meteoric rise in gas prices from WRBA...because it was caused by WRBA. Below is a graphic which certainly backs up that claim. The included chart comes from GasBuddy.com.

With three of the numerous Executive Orders SloJo signed on his first day in office, he set into motion the inevitable rise in oil prices and the loss of our energy independence. He purposely destroyed our energy independence and made us beholden to countries that are not our friends - including Russia - for oil to make up for the supplies we used to get from our own oil fields.

Yes, I have mentioned the above more than once and I am going to continue to repeat it until it sinks in. This is something we need to keep repeating over and over again until after the 2024 elections.