I know this happens to boaters all the time, but it still made me mad at myself when it happened, 'it' being not paying enough attention to where I was in a channel and going too shallow, meaning the prop started chewing rocks! It isn't the first prop I've dinged and I doubt it will be my last. But the fact that it was my fault for being distracted just pissed me off.
That the prop got bent a little didn't put a premature end to the boating season as I had planned to pull the Official Weekend Pundit Lake Winnipesaukee Runabout out of the water later this week in any case. This isn't the latest I've had the boat in the water, that being the first weekend in November, but I usually pull it out right around the weekend after Columbus day. But now I have to see about changing the prop before I store the boat for the winter. Fortunately I have a spare prop so it won't be a big deal. I'll send the damaged prop out for reconditioning and have it as my spare prop next year.
Fausta at Da Tech Guy asks us if we've goner to the movies recently? My answer is easy: No.
From what box office numbers have shown this past summer, a lot of other people's answers have been 'no' as well. What does the movie industry expect? Once they start making good movies again their customers will return. But as long as they keep doing the remakes and making 'social message' movies, we'll be staying away in droves.
So the US is going to withdraw from UNESCO?
It's about frickin' time.
Need some help in describing what AntiFa is? Here's some help from Benito Mussolini.
“Everything I have said and done in these last years is relativism by intuition. If relativism signifies contempt for fixed categories and those who claim to be the bearers of objective immortal truth … then there is nothing more relativistic than Fascist attitudes and activity... From the fact that all ideologies are of equal value, that all ideologies are mere fictions, the modern relativist infers that everybody has the right to create for himself his own ideology and to attempt to enforce it with all the energy of which he is capable.”After reading the above, you'll come to realize that AntiFa should remove the “anti” from their name.
Why are so many Americans ungrateful?
My take: So many have had all of the conveniences of modern living handed to them that they feel entitled to them. Why would they feel grateful for things that they believe are owed to them?
What do Dutch women know that American women don't? A whole lot, it appears, particularly when it comes to things like careers, families, and a whole host of other things American feminists think they know, but don't.
Maybe it's time for American feminists to stop drinking the feminazi kool-aid.
The UK must really like American fried chicken considering how many fried chicken restaurants there have a US state as part of their name. Leaving out Kentucky fr obvious reasons, there were twelve other state names used as part of a fried chicken restaurant's name.
This is something I've intuited for years.
Twelve reasons science shows conservative women have the best sex.
I certainly agree with Numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 12. I also agree with Numbers 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, and 11 as well.
The science is settled!
As a follow on to the above, there's this little gem of wisdom.
If men need yet another excuse not to marry a feminist, then I'd say this pretty much is a good one.
The feminist worldview is antithetical to love because its focus is solely on women: their needs, their wants, their desires, and their rights. Love can’t possibly be sustained with an attitude like that. (emphasis mine – ed)Yeah, I'd say that about covers it.
You can't tell me this isn't yet another step in an effort by the Progressive Left to further destroy society and replace it with an all power dictatorship of the elite.
Schools Ban Having Best Friends.
Like that's going to work out well.
Here's an interesting infographic that details concealed carry, open carry, and constitutional carry of firearms on a state by state basis.
(H/T Wirecutter)
And that's the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the boating season is still in full swing, cooler weather will be here for a day or two, and where Monday is yet again returning to screw up the weekend.