
A Curfew For Men?

If this isn't the weirdest (and one of the stupidest) ideas that someone has come up wit, I don't know what is. While I have no idea whether this is a tongue-in-cheek proposal (something I think that is likely) or the real thing makes no difference. It's a totally unworkable and unenforceable idea.

The proposal? A 9PM curfew for men.

The question many of those who commented asked, “Who would enforce such a curfew?” Seeing as the men on the police forces and federal law enforcement agencies would also likely be affected by such a curfew, will it be the women who will do so? I doubt that would work all that well. Even if there were a exemption for male law enforcement officers, how many would actually enforce such a law? Would we see a boycott by those officers? Or would men across the US merely refuse to abide by it, overwhelming the police trying to enforce it?

While the proposal is based upon the idea that it will make women safe, I can make the same argument that I and others have made about the issue of gun ownership, that being that the true miscreants – specifically those who commit sexual assaults – won't be stopped by such laws. They will commit them no matter what. After all there are already laws against sexual assault, but that certainly hasn't stopped sexual assaults from taking place.

All in all it feels more like a 'feel good' idea that is neither practical nor serious.

I hope.