
Friday Funny - I'll Tell You The Story

A fellow I've known for almost 40 years has been telling us stories on TV on two different TV stations up here in New Hampshire. For the past 25 years he's been plying his trade on the local ABC station - WMUR. Before that he was on New Hampshire's PBS station - WENH. The fellow, one Fritz Weatherbee, is a raconteur with a lengthy list of stories, true and mostly true. His humor is dry, typical of Yankee humor, and his stories are always entertaining.

This past Monday Fritz pulled the plug, retiring at the age of 88. I figured that at least this once I would put one of his stories up for the Friday Funny, in this case the one dealing with town names in New Hampshire that sometimes confuse people. I'll let him "tell the story." While not nearly humorous as many of his stories, it does give you a feeling for the man's style.