
The Cat Strikes Again...And Fails Again

Up here in N’Hampsha (and Maine...and parts of Vermont) one of the worst types of people “from away” we have to deal with are folks we call flatlanders. They come here and the first thing they do is complain about how we don’t have something or do something the same way as “Back where we come from”. Whether they are merely visiting or moving here to live and make a living, they can be the worst of folks. What’s worse is when someone moves here with the intention of dismantling the unique culture of northern New England and replacing with their version of what they consider ‘correct’.

We had to deal with one such flatlander who decided New Hampshire was just too unlike her native California and decided to move here change that. As was seen in the comments, she – one Gracie Gato by name - became the proverbial “ugly American”, denigrating everything here, our traditions, our institutions, our political beliefs, and our culture, all in the process pissing off people on both the Right and the Left. (See, some folks can bridge ideological differences and offer bipartisan disdain of someone who so richly deserves it!)

She did her darnedest (I can’t say she did her best by any means) to make New Hampshire as blue as California and failed miserably. She finally gave up after four years of one failure after another and returned to California. I’d like to say she left with the sounds of derisive laughter in her ears. She deserved no less.

We hadn’t heard much from her in some time until we found out she was trying to raise money to make a ‘documentary’ about just how awful and corrupt it is in New Hampshire (meaning we didn’t come close to listening to her Progressive drivel or recognize that she was right and everyone else here was wrong). She’s trying to raise $575,000 on Kickstarter to make her film...and has raised $1 so far.

That should tell you all you need to know just how seriously to take her...which means not at all. After all, what can you expect from a clueless, close-minded and intolerant flatlander?