
Thoughts On A Sunday

As if we needed more proof that summer is finally here, we’re at the beginning of another heat wave – 3 days of temps above 90ºF – something that doesn’t really bother me...unless there is oppressive humidity. Unfortunately the humidity is quite high, with dew points above 70ºF. I felt it the moment I walked out of the house here at The Gulch this morning. (I was on my way out for my usual pre-church Walmart run.)

It was already 75º at 7:30am and the air was heavy. I didn’t resort to using anything but the 4 x 50 A/C (4 x 50 A/C = 4 windows down @ 50mph) for my trip to and from Walmart. It was more than sufficient for the trip. But the A/C was on at the house to help dry out the air.

I admit it would have been just as easy to spend time out on the lake to help cool off, but with high heat and humidity, it would only be a temporary relief. I knew the town beach would be crowded (it was), and the number of boats out on the lake would huge with so many people trying to keep cool (which was the case).

The heavy weekend boat traffic is one of the reasons I tend to stay off the lake Saturdays and Sundays, at least between late morning and late afternoon/early evening. It is not fun (there’s lots of wake-driven chop which makes for rough boating) and the number of “Cap’n Boneheads” is disproportionately higher, meaning one’s head has to be on constant swivel because someone else out there will likely not be paying attention. This lack of attention will be due to inexperience, dealing with passengers onboard, chemical overload sloshing above their eyebrows, or some combination of the three.

If the conditions are right I’ll venture out during the day on a weekend. Fortunately for me the conditions were right yesterday – cloudy with some sprinkles now and then – which kept a lot of people off the lake despite the warm and humid conditions. So I went out with some family members and we actually had a pretty good day out on the lake.


I find it ironic that it’s perfectly okay to tear down statues of historical figures in New York City...unless it’s a statue of George Floyd. Then it’s racist.

It’s just further proof that Mayor De Blasio is a hypocrite.

As one tweet regarding this issue put it, “Didn’t last summer establish this is a reasonable mode of expression?”

As we must perpetually remind everyone, if the Progressives/Leftists/Communists/Democrats didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.


An issue in my little town is also being seen elsewhere in the country, that issue being local school boards/boards of education ignoring their constituents, or worse, attacking them and their characters, smearing them because they had the gall to question their actions and motives. (It isn’t that bad in out town...at least not yet.

In our town it appears our school board figures they are not required to answer the townsfolk’s questions, reply to Right to Know requests which under state law they must respond to by providing the requested information. (There are exceptions to this law, usually dealing with ongoing criminal investigations or litigation, and even then the exceptions are limited.) There have been other school boards that are trying to ram things like CRT down the throats of students, or pushing unpopular and discriminatory transgender policies which are not supported by parents, students, or in some cases, state law.

The push back by the public has been growing and I think we will see a number of members of these boards being voted out, and perhaps in some cases, being induced to step down in light of their outrageous behavior, statements, and contempt for the people they were supposed to serve.


Will we ever find out who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, the only fatality directly related to the January 6 protest at the Capitol Building? Why is the DOJ working so hard to to keep this information secret?

One of the things that's really pissed me off about this: leftists who will take ANY LE shooting as a reason to riot think this was just fine because 'Trump supporter'. God, I despise these people.

To reiterate, “If the Progressives/Leftists/Communists/Democrats didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.”

This needs to be repeated as often as possible until it sinks in.


As hard as the Left and the DNC-MSM keep pushing the “America is Racist!” meme, a sizable majority (61%) of the American people aren’t buying it and the percentage is increasing. This could be why those pushing the racist Critical Race Theory for all they’re worth have redoubled their efforts because they see people across all racial and ethnic lines opposing teaching of CRT, both in schools and businesses, because they see it for what it is: a means to further divide the American people and generate distrust and hatred between those same racial/ethnic groups opposing CRT.


I had to read this more than once to determine if this was satire or reality. Unfortunately, it appears to be reality, to whit, the Trudeau government is unable to define the term “woman”.

This begs the question to our Canadian brethren: What the hell is going on in Canada?

The Trudeau government does not know what a woman is. This is not rhetorical, it is what they have directly said. A ministry known as Women and Gender Equality states that it "does not use a specific definition of 'woman.'"

An organization founded by Canadian women to protect sex-based rights in the nation, caWsbar, revealed this fact earlier this month, after one of their associates asked the department of Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) in Canada "I'd like to know what definition your Ministry uses to define the word 'woman.'"

In answer, the government responded "WAGE does not use a specific definition of 'woman.'" This seems odd, given that the word 'women' is part of the agency's name.

I would have to say the last sentence in the quote above is a good example of irony.

It is sad to see our neighbor to the north descending into madness, a fate that I had hoped they might escape. But it seems they have fallen deeper into insanity than we have, and that’s a shame.


And that’s the news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the weather is going to be hot and humid for the next few days, the beaches will be full now that school is out, and where I am glad I have A/C both at home and at work.