
Thoughts On A Sunday

This is going to be a somewhat abbreviated post as I literally just got back from some time out on the lake. I hadn't figured I'd be out so late, but family was visiting from Nevada so BeezleBub and I took them out for a tour of the lake.

Frankly, between going out on the lake or working on a post, I'd choose time on the lake every single time.


The whole dust up about whether or not Robert Mueller can subpoena the President is telling me that Mueller hasn't got squat after over a year of 'investigation' of any collusion with the Russians. There's been plenty of proof that the Clinton campaign had plenty of contact with the Russians, but has any time been spent looking into that? Not from what I can see.

This has been a fishing expedition/witch hunt from the very beginning, pushed hard by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Millions have been spent and there isn't a damn thing to show for it. If there were we'd be hearing it from the DOJ and the MSM every minute of every day. But what are we hearing instead? Lots of conjecture and innuendo, but outside of that, crickets.

This is one heck of a nothingburger that the DNC cannot stomach.


When I read the story about a Benghazi survivor, and Army Ranger, 'shooting down' David Hogg's take on gun control, I found myself agreeing with the man.

I honestly don't remember reports of school shootings of the type we've been experiencing since Columbine during the time I was in school – the 60's and 70's. It's only been since Hogg's generation came into being that we've seen this spate of school shootings.

Says former Army Ranger Kris Paronto, “I remember, it was before your generation started shooting up the schools David, even though we still had guns," Paronto tweeted. "Thank you for confirming..again...that it’s not the gun, it’s person, and in particular you & your peers millennial culture.”

With the wall-to-wall coverage given by the media whenever these types of shootings take place, sensationalizing the event and making a 'celebrity' out of the shooter, is it any wonder that there have been such school shootings? Even while reporting on the tragedy, they glamorize the shooter as if it were all part of some first person shooter game and this guy had the high score.

Just how twisted is that?


Is that they don't care or that they really don't understand that they are shooting the proverbial goose that lays the golden eggs? Of the two, I'd have to say it's the second because it appears that they could that stupid.

To what do I refer?

The alleged plan by some of the NFL players to strike back against the league's kneeling ban by boycotting games.

I wrote 'alleged' because the report about this plan comes from notoriously unreliable Shaun King. If players actually decided to do something that stupid, I would expect them to be kicked out of the league and replacement players put in their place. Of course I would expect those same ex-players to file a lawsuit against the NFL, thought I doubt they could claim breach of contract because it would have been them breaching their contract with the NFL, not the other way around.

Are NFL players that stupid? On the whole, I'd say probably not. But that doesn't mean that one or two of them have so convinced themselves that they are indispensable that they would do something that stupid.

Only time will tell.


I think it's time for Bernie Sanders to throw in the towel and retire. After all he can't seem to tell the difference between the people in his home state of Vermont and those in California.

Then again, he also doesn't know how economics works which is why he keeps pushing the free college and free s**t for everyone. He doesn't seem to understand that there is no such thing as free anything. Someone somewhere has to pay for it and that eventually he will run out of those other people's money.


And that's the abbreviated news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where the warm dry weather will be gone for the next few days, school will be out for the summer soon, and where Motorcycle Week starts next weekend!