The so-called investigation by Special Counsel Mueller continues to drag on. After all of this time one would think that the investigation would have either found any compelling evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians or nothing at all. What exactly have they found?
When a federal judge castigates the DOJ and Special Counsel for going well outside their mandate, vigorously prosecuting people only on the periphery of the campaign as a means of forcing them to flip on the President, you know things have turned from an investigation and into a fishing expedition, or worse, a witch hunt.
When the judge finally gets a chance to review the unredacted memo that laid out the duties and scope of the investigation, I have a feeling he's going to quash any further investigative efforts because of one of two reasons: the investigation has gone far outside the scope of the limits set by the memo, or the memo had limits so broad as to be meaningless and unconstitutional. Should the DOJ appeal the decision and it ends up going to the Supreme Court, I have a feeling they will agree with the lower court's decision.
Another thing to consider in regards to the Mueller probe is that it's so bad that even a former Hillary advisor believes it is corrupt.
Then there's the folks that keep saying that the Stormy Daniels kerfuffle will lead to Trump's impeachment or resignation. I have to ask those folks one simple question: What laws were broken by the president that could lead to impeachment?
That he may have banged a porn star isn't a crime, or even a misdemeanor. If he did indeed have sex with her, he wasn't in office or even running for president when the alleged affair took place. That she alleges that she was paid hush money isn't a crime either.
If Trump did indeed have an affair with Stormy Daniels, so what? At least she's classier than any of Bill Clinton's extramarital honeys.
Frankly, I suspect most Americans don't really care. I know I don't.
Is John Kerry delusional? He must be if he thinks he's still Secretary of State, working behind the scenes to keep the horrible flawed Iran deal alive. I guess he feels he isn't subject to the Logan Act and can negotiate foreign policy for the US even though he is no longer a representative of the United States government.
I think it's time for him and the other Deep State operatives to find out that they are not immune to the law. Kerry should be made to make the perp walk as he's hustled into the FBI HQ in handcuffs before being arraigned in front of a federal judge.
Has Andrew Cuomo lost his mind?
Yes. Yes he has.
What triggered this loss of sanity?
The fact that someone actually had the gall to challenge him in the Democrat primary in New York, in this case actress Cynthia Nixon. This has driven him to do some pretty bizarre things, including some actions that will hurt New Yorkers at a time when everyone else (except those in other Blue States like neighboring Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, and California) are reaping the benefits of the economic boom fueled by President Trump's tax reform and business regulation cutbacks.
Yeah, that's a winning strategy.
And that's the abbreviated news from Lake Winnipesaukee, where summer has suddenly arrived, boats are appearing on the lake, and where Monday is once again going to ruin a perfectly good weekend.