
Now It Starts In Earnest

As our local TV outlet has been reminding us of late, the New Hampshire Primary for the 2012 Presidential campaign is scheduled for one year from today. (That date may change as other states try to horn in on New Hampshire's First in the Nation status.)

While no one has announced their candidacy as of yet, we have seen plenty of activity from many of the hopefuls as they have been making visits to the Granite State for some time now. Among those have been Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Rick Santorum. (Romney has a summer home on the north side of Lake Winnipesaukee so he and his family are here on a regular basis as it is.) Others have plans to visit, like Newt Gingrich and Rudi Giuliani.

So the long run to the 2012 Presidential campaign has already started, meaning it's going to be nothing one candidate after another traipsing through the state for the next 12 months, pressing the flesh and making speeches.